Hot Daleks

dalekcosplay.jpg (206 KB)

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    Just came about 5 times.


    I dont know about fetish, but they are hot daleks.


    camusapprentice: Yeah a hot chick is a hot chick. And they get hotter as you go left to right.


    It just became a fetish for me.


    I’m about to ~EXTERMINATE~ something alright


    RSIxidor: HOOOOOOW!?




    I had no clue- im not a big BBC watcher so i internetted. -The Daleks are a fictional extraterrestrial race of mutants from the British science fiction television series Doctor Who. Daleks are organisms from the planet Skaro, integrated within a tank-like mechanical casing. The resulting creatures are a powerful race bent on universal conquest and domination, utterly without pity, compassion or remorse (it is believed by many other characters that all of their emotions were removed except hate, although small fractions of others such as fear occasionally surface).[1] They are collectively the greatest extraterrestrial enemies of the Time Lord known as the Doctor. Their most famous catchphrase is “Exterminate!”, with each syllable individually screeched in a frantic electronic voice


    Gonna need a higher rez photo, cuz even with a remote possibility the brunette in the center is the only one I would even think of touching. Even then it would take some alcohol consumption.


    I’m there with you all, they can exterminate me whenever they want.

    Alec Dalek

    Those are my bitches. yo.


    You’re pretty safe adding that caption to any picture, anywhere on the ‘Net.


    I got a dalek phone charm for my birthday. My phone doesn’t emit the right frequency so whenever someone with an iphone comes over I pull it out and call them, over and over.


    “the resulting creatures are a powerful race bent on universal conquest and domination, utterly without pity, compassion, or remorse…”
    Yup. Sounds about right for all the ‘con going cute/hot cosplay girls I’ve met, and all my ex-girlfriends.


    is “rule 34” still something we do on the internet?


    Some time ago I heard the expression “blondes have more fun”. This photo comes as a confirmation since it looks like the brunettes are not having so much fun, based on their faces 🙂


    Plungers and egg beaters, FTW!



    Moe you should watch it. But you have to be careful. there are about 1/2 dozen different Dr. Who’s largely based on generation.

    Alec Dalek

    erigobelli: Blondes have more fun because that’s what every guy wants to fuck. Every other hair colour is just a consolation prize.


    they were at brisbane Supanova, source, galleries

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