Amen to that. I had high hopes when Spielberg first announced he was doing WOTW way back when — at first report, it was to be a period piece. The general line of thinking was that the mechanical tank in “Wild, Wild West” inspired him to go ahead and make WOTW. That turned out to be very wrong. Still not a bad adaptation.
@...Flickerdart: I think they didn’t aim their guns because by that point they knew they’d be useless, and had settled on the ramming tactic. Also, by not aiming weapons at the tripods, they weren’t immediately percieved as a threat; by the time the Martians figured out what was going on the ship had enough momentum to carry out the maneuver, regardless of what the enemy did.
@...Sticky: I believe the action takes place relatively close to shore.
@...mikoyangurevich15: The whole action was taken to save this ship, which was packed with refugees.
the chances of anything coming from mars are a million to one, he said.
the chances of anything coming from mars are a million to one –
a passing stranger
13 years ago
Hmm. Completely wrong ship, Thunder Child (note the spelling) was supposed to be a torpedo-ram not a cruiser. This ship appears to be HMS Canopus or a sister ship, I’d suggest using HMS Polyphemus or USS Intrepid as a better model.
Secondly there is no sign of the battle damage, and the heat-ray is striking the wrong location.
And finally the flags are completely wrong; loose the signal flags entirely, the White Ensign should be flying from the main mast and while flying the Union Jack from the bow mast is correct this is never done at sea
Why aren’t those cannons aimed at the thing?
Thanks, I’m going to have this musical rattling around in my head all night now.
Farewell Thunderchild!
Why aren’t the tripods sinking in the (assumedly) deep ocean?
fuck yes, jeff wayne’s disco war of the worlds is one of the best albums ever.
Sticky, because Jesus was a Martian and this time he brought friends.
Note that the side wheeler`s running for it.
“‘cos you’re not heeeere”
I would love to see a state-of-the-art period piece of “The War of the Worlds” set in 1898.
Also, Jeff Wayne’s “War of the Worlds” is now a huge stage production from Australia (I think) that is making a tour in Europe this year.
because there’s no water on Mars.
Amen to that. I had high hopes when Spielberg first announced he was doing WOTW way back when — at first report, it was to be a period piece. The general line of thinking was that the mechanical tank in “Wild, Wild West” inspired him to go ahead and make WOTW. That turned out to be very wrong. Still not a bad adaptation.
The Jeff Wayne’s musical is just fantastic, I got to see the live show last year at the O2 arena in London, just awesome.
Just to be a persnickety pain-in-the-ass:
@...Flickerdart: I think they didn’t aim their guns because by that point they knew they’d be useless, and had settled on the ramming tactic. Also, by not aiming weapons at the tripods, they weren’t immediately percieved as a threat; by the time the Martians figured out what was going on the ship had enough momentum to carry out the maneuver, regardless of what the enemy did.
@...Sticky: I believe the action takes place relatively close to shore.
@...mikoyangurevich15: The whole action was taken to save this ship, which was packed with refugees.
the chances of anything coming from mars are a million to one, he said.
the chances of anything coming from mars are a million to one –
Hmm. Completely wrong ship, Thunder Child (note the spelling) was supposed to be a torpedo-ram not a cruiser. This ship appears to be HMS Canopus or a sister ship, I’d suggest using HMS Polyphemus or USS Intrepid as a better model.
Secondly there is no sign of the battle damage, and the heat-ray is striking the wrong location.
And finally the flags are completely wrong; loose the signal flags entirely, the White Ensign should be flying from the main mast and while flying the Union Jack from the bow mast is correct this is never done at sea
Otherwise a reasonable work.