The guy that does coast to coast George Noory’s sun is in my fraternity. It’s fucked up cause George Noory looks like Saddam Husein, but his son is a total ginger.
Coast to coast is fucking hilarious, I love that show. It’s so piled high with stark bullshit and crazy that I can’t help but turn it on once in a while and just bask in it. Their website is full of blatant shoops and bullshit exactly like this. Speck of dust on the camera lens? SPIRIT ORB FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION! A quick shoop by some internet teenager? CHUPACALOCHFOOT MONSTAH! Double exposure? I SEE DEAD PEOPLE!
Noory is kind of a tool, though, and I get the impression that it’s more of just a job to him than something he really gets much of a kick out of. Bell was better at it, and even the fill-in guy Punnett is more charming in his own kind of kid-staggering-in-the-woods kind of way.
it is daytime.
It would have been better if that Gay stick would have jumped out of the tree & started to kill those twats in the picture.
The guy that does coast to coast George Noory’s sun is in my fraternity. It’s fucked up cause George Noory looks like Saddam Husein, but his son is a total ginger.
It’s a photoshop of this image:
The uneditted version was going around the web claiming it was either the Chupacabra or an Iraqi cave demon. It’s really a model of Gollum from LOTR.
@...JazzyJazzyJazzHands: It’s a chupathingy!
Coast to coast is fucking hilarious, I love that show. It’s so piled high with stark bullshit and crazy that I can’t help but turn it on once in a while and just bask in it. Their website is full of blatant shoops and bullshit exactly like this. Speck of dust on the camera lens? SPIRIT ORB FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION! A quick shoop by some internet teenager? CHUPACALOCHFOOT MONSTAH! Double exposure? I SEE DEAD PEOPLE!
Noory is kind of a tool, though, and I get the impression that it’s more of just a job to him than something he really gets much of a kick out of. Bell was better at it, and even the fill-in guy Punnett is more charming in his own kind of kid-staggering-in-the-woods kind of way.
@...pantsoffdanceoff: oh, you made me have lulz.
Also, first person to shoop a decent CHUPACALOCHFOOT wins 10,000 internets
@...Sarcastastic: I like it. Got a ring to it.
@...juiceyfruit: haha yeah he can be a tool but like the bible…stories are fun to listen too
@...Vrik: Looks more like a puma