Baldur’s Gate II

BG2 Viconia Wallpaper.jpg (197 KB)

I don’t care how much of a bitch she was, Viconia was always in my party. Usually Edwin, too.

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    Doc Shadow

    I think they were both always in my party as well..

    Wow, gaming memories. Awesome game/s!


    I just wish they would have made a BG 3 and BG 4. I loved the game engine on BG2. I was much less of a fan of Neverwinter Nights. NWN just seemed thrown together with the idea of “let’s make a D&D video game that looks like WoW! rush through it and we can rake in the cash faster!” But NWN never felt like it had as much story depth.


    LostOne: Except NWN came out more than two years before WoW did.

    I agree with the rest though; I really didn’t care much for the NWN engine. It felt very sluggish and just wrong to me. And the single-player campaign itself was little more than a tech demo for the engine.

    Of course, the game’s meant to be played multiplayer, I just wanted a single-player game and NWN wasn’t really it.


    WIN WIN WIN. I spent a good part of my youth on this, game.


    Bitch? She was the character that slept with you if you kept her in the party long enough. I had her Minsc and Edwin always, usually Cern the werewolf druid as well. Minsc arguing with Edwin and the talking sword the Lilarcor was always grand times. . . Especially when edwin got his hands on the nether scrolls and turned himself into a woman. Always kick him outta the party of that point, go to the bar and he disintegrates a guy whose hitting on him.


    Also Baldur’s Gate would be a good theme day


    Ah, the lovely and deadly Viconia. She ended up becoming my romantic interest in BG2, and thus sparked my unhealthy interest in Drow which persists to this very day.


    Viconia was the only good reason to keep Aerie in your party, because the verbal bitch-slaps Viconia kept delivering were hilarious.


    Gotta go with Minsc… (and Boo, dont worry, we cant leave Boo out) Those two were an “item” if you ask me.

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