My brother, my dad, and I have convinced my mom that putting a silhouette of the shocker on Volkswagens is thing that people with those cars do. It is seen at a bunch of VW shows, so that’s not a complete lie, BUT, she doesn’t know what it actually means, so for about a year and a half and still going, my mom’s Jetta wagon has an outline of the shocker in the back window.
I think the Rocker and Show Stopper can be the same pending the position of the girl.
My brother, my dad, and I have convinced my mom that putting a silhouette of the shocker on Volkswagens is thing that people with those cars do. It is seen at a bunch of VW shows, so that’s not a complete lie, BUT, she doesn’t know what it actually means, so for about a year and a half and still going, my mom’s Jetta wagon has an outline of the shocker in the back window.
The shocker is not cool and I highly doubt people actually use it…now the 71 is something that will make you come up looking like a glazed doughnut
i just stick both my fists in there.
DON’T RISK IT, FIST IT! As demonstrated.
@...hvymetal86: don’t kid yourself. mama’s a dirty. papa knows child, papa knows.
SONUVABITCH. Stupid MCS fucking up my hotlinking. Here:
@...Sticky: gotta be subtle with it
the minivan
2 in front
5 in back
Two in the goo, one in the poo
@...pantsoffdanceoff: Hope your boyfriend feels the same way.