Because the first one was such a success!
No actual physical pictures that are proof against former administrations, perhaps this post can get across the aisle.
Courtesy of Trent Reznor and those who understand his message.
where do i sign up?lol
I don’t know how I feel about the first one. But the pandas one is very good. The American flag was unnecessary though. It’s possible to get your point across without things like that. The flag doesn’t represent everything bad a nation or the leader has done. It stands for all people of said nation. And all people cannot be guilty.
The one I like isn’t even posted.Okay made it in before the shitstorm. Off to work.
@...dieAntagonista: NOM
The one about the government buying 50% of the harddrives is EASY to understand… there’s at least that much porn out there, and us regular folks can’t afford enough harddrives to hold it all! If I were part of the gov, I’d be using my position to get more drives too!! 😀
lol, you’re kidding right? Don’t give in to the looney left *sets off trip wire*
@...Puulaahi: If it doesnt get completely stripped out, I plan on doing at least one or 2 more of these just because i usually dont find things to post, but I like posting.
@...dieAntagonista: I agree actually. I think they were making their point, but I think giving the flag a negative connotation doesnt help the situation any.
And perhaps I am more liking of the first one because I dont know if you are in Arizona, but they have put cameras on EVERY street corner and at every half mile on the express ways. I got laid off, and immediately got a ticket for not “stopping fully” for a right hand turn on red on an empty road. I watched the video and I think its disgressionary at best if I stopped or not (It could be decided that it was a rolling stop). But the worst part is that since the camera cant interpret a situation, I got charged with running a red when my offense was improper right hand turn.
Thank god 2 months ago was my 2 year anniversary of my first driving school, so I was able to go again and have the charges dropped.
I dont trust camera’s in place of officers.
Yay, more paranoid nutball propaganda!
@...Paul Kersey: but…but…but i heard they gave free banana’s lol
@...Tyger42: Well, yes.
But not quite as paranoid as the American/British governments have become.
Srsly, why haven’t you people revolted yet? Your countries are all schizo.
Haha, I am in Austria! You thought I was American? That made me smile. It also makes me feel a little proud. Really just small irrational pride but still.
That’s crazy. Is it really that bad. I honestly had no idea, and even so, I always thought the cameras meant little to no consequence except when it comes to actual criminals.
Well yeah you see, if technology like that is available, only a fool wouldn’t take advantage of it. I guess there are just too many ways to abuse it.
Also, I’d take a camera over an officer any day. Just about any psycho can become a policeman. Here in my country anyway.
About the second pic: they’re not recording everything you do, they just want you to think they are. Fear is the greatest weapon.
I wave at cameras when I see them, they never wave back.
That’s hilarious.
That is seriously fucked. I thought it was crazy when I heard that a local police department had given out about 40,000 red light camera tickets when they’re populations was only a third of that. That sounds horrible.
@...Lamb: I’m not worried about the cameras on the street for one reason: When I’m out in public, nothing I do there is private. If they try to put cameras in my home, I’ll worry. But out on the street, what I do is in plain view for anyone to see anyway…
Goddamit, i thought it was going to be about Resistance 2 the game on PS3!!
And once again I feel the need to quote Network. It’s just so appropriate.
I don’t have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It’s a depression. Everybody’s out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel’s work, banks are going bust, shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter. Punks are running wild in the street and there’s nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there’s no end to it. We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat, and we sit watching our TV’s while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that’s the way it’s supposed to be. We know things are bad – worse than bad. They’re crazy. It’s like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don’t go out anymore. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we are living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, ‘Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials and I won’t say anything. Just leave us alone.’
Re: Pic #2 –I truly pity the poor sap who has to review MY footage for a living.
Brreeeeeuumm, DUNNA nah, nah NAAAAAH
Duuuun, duh nuh nuh, nuh, NAAAAH!
*awesome guitar solo*
It’s their inspiring ’90s theme tune.
Funny…I’d copied a bunch of quotes of Frank Herbert the other day and, going over them, several stand out:
If you think of yourselves as helpless and ineffectual, it is certain that you will create a despotic government to be your master. The wise despot, therefore, maintains among his subjects a popular sense that they are helpless and ineffectual.
Governments always commit their entire populations when the demands grow heavy enough. By their passive acceptance, these populations become accessories to whatever is done in their name.
We may be contriving a strictly controlled police culture. B. F. Skinner worries the hell out of me. He is right out of Huxley. He is standing there like a small boy saying, ‘Please let me have a world like this because I feel safe in it!’ He is saying, ‘I want to control it.’ He may be very accurate in his assessment that our total society is going in that direction and that maybe he is opting for the lesser of numerous evils, in his view. But what kind of a society would that produce?
@...HoChunk: I like especially the last one, but they’re all gold.
@...Tyger42: I buy pot in public, I don’t want a camera catching that.
George Orwell comes to mind…
I ♥ Frank Herbert and now you, too, for quoting him, but in a not gay way
@...dieAntagonista: What on earth are you babbling about?
@...Lamb: Precisely one of the reasons the cameras are there. Whether or not pot SHOULD be illegal, that’s a whole other debate…
@...Tyger42: Actually it’s not… it IS this debate, they’re putting fear into us for things we shouldn’t be afraid of, things we shouldn’t think of as illegal or tabu.
I’m waiting for the next Causescu, I’m gonna find me a rock.
…some people jump to conclusions waaay too much…like my sister…
hm… I seem to have started with a different phrasing before the points of suspension.
@...dieAntagonista: Thoroughly appropriate.
You said “If they try to put cameras in my home, I’ll worry.” Part of my quote was “Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials and I won’t say anything. Just leave us alone.”
And I’m not babbling on earth. I’m babbling in my head. That’s two completely different universes, my friend.
Just let the next Causescu come, I have Causescu fighting powers in my blood, you know.
@...dieAntagonista: A lot of rocks?
@...Lamb: It’s “Taboo”. And it’s not the topic I was discussing. You want to throw one in there out of the blue, have fun arguing with yourself over it. I was simply talking about the cameras.
@...dieAntagonista: Ah, so you were turning my comment into something it wasn’t. Gotcha.
No, a lot of propaganda. (my parents are in the picture)
Haha, oh come on. I know that’s not what you said. I was just hinting on what other’s people take is on what you said. You know, to feel like it’s all alright as long as they don’t come into your house.
I remember something about the massive liberation movements in Eastern Europe from my European History class. History 102B was awesome.
@...dieAntagonista: Yes, the cameras are taking over in AZ. I prefer a real life human being over a camera any day, honestly. This zero tolerance bullshit does not allow anyone to speed to, say the ER without getting a ticket. Used to be, if you were stopped and told the cop you were on your way to the hospital, you might get a ticket for speeding, but you would also get an escort (light and sirens) to that hospital. Can a camera do that?
@...HoChunk: Frank Herbert was a god. Thanks for those words.
That’s supposed to be “other people’s”. I think. Ugh.
Nice. We have to discuss that sometime. Please.
Fuck it. I usually don’t comment that much, but here’s what I really believe about the surveillance-mania:
We’re moving into a new era where technology and science will eventually rise to the top of the totem pole, also known as the cyberpunk age. Logic, facts, and the concrete reality is what will be commonplace among society.
I used to believe a lot of those conspiracies, until I realized that most of them were propaganda, full of factual holes, or just plain stupid. It’s also important to note that Penn & Teller’s Bullshit, along with other sources influenced my thinking.
True. Can you fight the “ER” case in court though, or is Zero Tolerance truly Zero Tolerance?
Check your email inbox for details.
@...Annarchy: Oh you’re completely right about that, that’s how I feel about it also. I’m just saying, this system, even without the cameras and all that, is still messed up.
@...Paul Kersey:
I agree with you, in that I too think the whole technology madness is inevitable.
And I don’t believe in any conspiracies. The people at the top are laughing right in our faces, nothing secret about that.
Penn & Teller rule.
@...Tyger42: I wasn’t trying to argue with anybody. I’m just saying, make people fear something they shouldn’t be fearing and you can control them. Like the quality of the tap water, I mean I leave in eastern europe and I’ve been drinking tap for a long time now, there’s no third foot growing on my forehead. Fuck bott… I’m starting to rant.
@...dieAntagonista: That is awesome, seriously, I admire those people… trying to do something good, too bad it was in vain. The revolution wasn’t what the history books say, but you know that. (more on this topic when it’s not 1 am)
Do you mean that those God damn,no good Chekist pandas know what I fap to?
looks like we have an intelligent shitstorm 🙂
Would any of you happen to be libetarians? 😀
And Chaotic Neutral? 😀
@...Paul Kersey:
Chaotic Neutral is the best alignment. Not tied to any particular system, just making a living. I’m usually chaotic good though. >.>
@...dieAntagonista: The flag is a symbol…A piece of cloth. I used to get angry when people shit all over the US flag. After 6 years of service I learned that it is just a symbol. The true foundation of the nation is, and should be the constitution, the bill of rights and so on.. When I took oath I took it to “Support and defend the Constitution of the United States against enemies both forign and domestic.” A panda wiping his ass with the American flag (or anyone for that matter) is the least of my worries when my own government has been fucking with what is supposed to be the corner stone of America.
What are you talking about. It wasn’t in vain. You know that saying in Romanian in the times of Ceausescu?
“5 out of 4 Romanians are spies.” The exaggeration is on purpose.
And you know why they were so willing to do things like that? Because they were afraid. They never dared to say anything in public, but whisper behind closed doors. I know all about it.
My parents got thrown out of the country, in the end. That’s how bad it got. That’s how much they loved Romania.
Very well said. Though still, it’s not right, and makes anyone who does things like that, look like a fool. Period.
This one’s for you…
In a new world where technology and strict order rule, and all hope of freedom and individuality seems lost, one man took on the whole system…the Odd One!
Sticky(as the Odd One): “Sometimes law and order isn’t so lawful and orderly.”
Paul Kersey (as the Drifter): “I’m only with ya Double O so I can get my laser cannon back, got it?”
HoChunk (as The Scholar): “History has indeed repeated itself.”
Tyger42 (as the Gun Nut): “The Holy Trinity: gun, bullets, trigger.”
DieAntagonista (as the Bleeding Heart): “Dammit we’ve GOT to trust each other if we’re gonna survive!”
and Lamb and ColumbianMonkey (as the Stoners): “Dude…you think the government makes killer weed? LMAO!”
A unified group, an even bigger unified government, in the ultimate underdog story of all time…The Odd One!!!
@...dieAntagonista: But the revolution wasn’t real… I’m not saying people didn’t lose their lives… but it was a hoax.
The real revolutionaries never had theirs.
@...Paul Kersey: I’d pay to see it –even though I know I get offed near the end of the second act.
@...Paul Kersey: Woohoo! I’m the comic relief.
Around here, things like traffic cameras and cameras on street corners get regularly paintballed.
@...Paul Kersey:
Why you gotta give me such a lame title? I got much better ones on this site. Like Half Jew Kraut. Or Puffy Lipped Angel. etc. And I’m a stoner as well but I don’t want to be grouped together with anyone.
“Would any of you happen to be libetarians? 😀
And Chaotic Neutral?”
Are you hinting on me? You probably are.
@...Lamb: What is a revolution? As in, what makes it real. I say, only one man can make revolution happen. As well as only one thought. What is described in history books, may not have been real. But the revolution was very much real. There’s concrete proof for it as well, if there was no revolution, Ceausescu and his psycho wife would have been never killed. Things like that don’t happen without some radical force. Call it useless propaganda if you will, you don’t know how Romania would look today without it.
I just found out recently that my county signed a contract to install red-light cams. I did a little research.
Turns out, they don’t increase road safety, they actually decrease it. See, the contractor guarantees certain revenue for the county. If they aren’t getting their numbers, they reduce yellow-light times to generate more tickets.
@...suicydking: another way of saying the government is fucking you in the
@...Paul Kersey: I don’t smoke anymore soooooooo *eye roll*
What are they trying to say with the last panda? Che was a fighter, not a suicide bomber…
Also@...dieAntagonista: if there is a binary choice, and there never is, I’d rather go out on the streets as a punk; than stay at home, hugging my toaster, wispering: ‘everything is fine, my honey, everything is fine…’. I believe a lot of people would too.
@...dieAntagonista: If it were a real revolution the USSR would have stepped in… no, it was an agreement between the superpowers. I know I sound like a conspiracy nut, but it’s not the case here. Like all the ex communist countries in this area, our freedom was bough, not fought for.
It doesn’t seem to matter much, but is does… now we’re sucking up to america… and I’ll stop, I know you don’t like me bad talking romania.
@HoChunk: you predicted correctly
@Lamb: you smoke 11 different types of weed in the movie
@DieAntagonista: damn you’re a stoner? Might I suggest some kush, compliments of the West Coast. And I was talking about myself on the chaotic neutral/libetarian thing, homegirl. I’m not out to get ya, homegirl 😛
@ColumbianMonkey: then you’ll be the guy telling morbid jokes throughout the movie…
Haha what. Have you ever seen the film “Network”? That’s not how the quote was meant. Silly Vincent. Go put that film on your list. Now. Did you do it? Come on.
No I don’t like you talking bad about Romania and I disagree with you. There was a lot more to it than that. But maybe I should have emailed you by now. My apologies.
@...Paul Kersey:
My credit card is ready. Where do I go to get tickets for this?
@...Paul Kersey: I don’t think there are many conspiracies out there anymore, thanks to the interwebz. I also have a hard time believing everything I see in the news, but that could be a side effect of spending time in a socialist country. And what, I don’t even get a walk-on role in your production? Gee, thanks, dude. And I’m not a libertarian. Not even a librarian. LOL.
@...Sticky: I don’t think fighting a camera ticket has been successful in any state yet. I have heard of some pretty out there attempts though, like: That wasn’t me driving, your Honor. You can’t see my face, so I don’t have to pay the ticket. Failed attempts, really. As far as I know, the rule used to be that, if you are issued a ticket by an officer and you go to court, if the officer doesn’t show up, it’s usually dismissed because there’s no complainant. However, with cameras, who’s testifying against you? I saw the ticket camusapprentice got, it’s signed by some guy who probably prints the tickets out. Taking the human element out of traffic tickets has become retarded. Oh, yeah, and the traffic class he took was online. No human contact whatsoever in this entire process. Ridiculous.
I do go on, don’t I?
@...dieAntagonista: I meant to mention this to you in the first Open Source Resistance post, but there was that shitstorm. So I will say it now: Your parents are heroes. I really admire them. Kiss them for me please. I visited Romania right after the revolution and was absolutely blown away by the people and their determination to not just survive but to live. Which would be the point, to me, of any revolution. That and getting rid of the assholes at the top who don’t consider themselves one of the people anymore.
@...Paul Kersey: And I appear at the end: “Whoa, dude… I had the craziest dream.”
@...dieAntagonista: There’s always more to anything and anybody, but details are not always important. Just know that it wasn’t a revolution of the people.
O sa discutam politica prin mail? hehe
“[…]and their determination to not just survive but to live.” I sense epic quote.
@...Lamb: My point exactly.
@...dieAntagonista: But since we continue to elect fucking douchtards who are heavily involved in party polotics who want to pass their own agenda, instead of say…a libertarian; we are shitting on our own flag to begin with.
I sit down here, in south Louisianna day in and day out and always run into something along the lines of “the south will rise again.” Either that exact statement or something along those lines. We’ve reached this state as a nation because we allowed the federal government to control the states. Ever since the Jackson era the people of the nation have allowed that to happen. And the one single time certain states say enough is enough for economic as well as political reason try to ceceed from the union; they get roflstomped into the ground. My point is there just may be another civil war. This time it won’t be about states rights (using slavery is an educational cop-out and “just” reason to wage war on your brother.”) It may be about the very freedoms I am supposed to have because I am a citizan of this nation, the same rights anyone should have if they come to the United States.
People=True Spirit of a Nation
Just a thought
God help us if Obama fucks up, because that will prove to the US that the Republican party is completely fucking inept, the Democratic party is completely fucking inept, and we need to snuff out both and make new parties, something that will involve a shitload of bloodshed and “unavoidable” collateral damage that the victorious side will claim was “tragic but necessary.”
@...Sticky: Really? Oooh. Thank you. It was a life-changing experience to just visit there. And I can’t seem to find the right words to express just how enormous it was. Argh.
@...Drunkin: The flag as just a symbol was forgotten somewhere along the way, especially here in the US. I cringe every time I see another fucktard wrap themselves in the flag and call themselves a patriot. Those people have no idea what the fuck that means.
@...Paul Kersey: What can I say; I know my movie formulas. I can only hope that the atrocious nature of my death so appalls the populace that it galvanizes them into revolution.
@...Annarchy: I got out of a ticket for blowing through an express-lane toll booth (the picture that garnished the ticket, taken from a booth camera, of course had my licence plate) by proving that I had just blown a tire and had to veer across 6 lanes towards the side where I could safely change it.
@...Sticky: if you only do that the vicious circle will live. simple method (Sticky’s way + create isolation Politics from religion and anything connected to it) ÷ federals assets and any relation to government = presto!
@...ColombianMonkey: -* not divide.
Yes, and a cycle every 200 years or so will continue.
Although I think now, and I think the two main parties could be broken up into four. Far left, center left, center right, far right. The centrists would be the most popular, obviously, but there would be more collaboration there since both kind of veer towards moderate rather than this way or that way with a completely polarized view of politics as it is now.
Hai guyz wat’s goin on in this thread
@...LukeV1-5: Titties.
@...Sticky: Truthiness
@...Annarchy: I’ll give you that. And I agree those idiots have no idea what it means.
the truth is where large amount of power appears, corruption is present.
It’s the job of the people of the great nation to make sure to prevent it whenever corruption rises. even thou it will always keep coming.
imo just the idea of different sections makes me see that there is problems. It should have never been so, it should have just been 1 group representing the nation to take decisions for the nation itself
@...ColombianMonkey: The coorprate world uses this strategy a lot amongst the workforce to keep the peons fighting each other instead of managment. They plant an idea, and a crysis. Finger pointing errupts and a verbal brawl occurs. Behind everyones back under the cover of the crisis, the managment sets into motion a way to fuck the peons a little harder and put more omeny into their wallets.
Government is doing the same thing. They have been for a very long time too.
@...Sticky: I prefer titties to this discussion. No really, primal needs before academic needs.
Yes, but the US is a democratic republic, not a straight up democracy.
You’re incredibly sweet, but you know that already. I actually told my father, what camusapprentice said, last time. It made him really happy and he called me an idiot for discussing politics with people on the Internet. BUT WHO ELSE WILL.
And I can’t believe you have been to Romania! How awesome is that. Yeah I know what you mean, unfortunately.
As for the kisses, will do. I love you.
“It may be about the very freedoms I am supposed to have because I am a citizen of this nation, the same rights anyone should have if they come to the United States.”
Man, that’s beautiful. Yeah I do agree with you. It’s attitudes like that, that make me respect America so much.
Haha, da bine. Dar nu stiu da ca pot sa discut politica cu tine fara sa nebunesc. Argh.
Sexual intercourse and one eyed midgets.
I have lots of reading to do, I may have more responses, but till then,
@...dieAntagonista: Austria? well I am still quite young and ignorant of the world, so I wouldnt know if you give clear signs that you hail from Austria, but yes, this is the issue with the cameras.
Dont get me wrong, Im not saying I like cops. There are wack job cops out there. Again, I think I can say in Arizona, we have some of the worst god complex cops in Arizona, just google Sheriff Arpio and see what you come up with. The man is an insane paranoid man who thinks hes god. He is also currently under investigation by the Federal Government, but for some reason he keeps getting reelected.
However, if you have a police officer, you have some degree of defense, a man to disagree with, a man to bring to court as you defend yourself. They treat the computer like its infallible. There is no method that I know of to contest a ticket that has been generated by the automated system.
How can you have a system of checks and balances if the authority doesn’t have a face?
You can’t. Once faceless authority begins it’s a slippery slope that is hard to stop.
@...Drunkin: yes, it sucks but the problem is that the people are afraid nobody wants to take one for the team. its fucked up and it’s the main problem the vicious circle is working.
@...ColombianMonkey: Funny you should say that…
I for one don’t plan on being in chemistry all my life. Perhaps a Coffee house/eveing beergarden owner. Maybe even go back to school to get a degree in mathematics or some sience. Perhpas become a revolutionary who would eventually be shot or jailed because no one else was standing next to me. Either way, you never know, things can change.
Can I get free drinks?
@...Drunkin: yes you’re right. things change….because some people want to make something change. if you(not you) want something to be done, do it. things never magically appear because you sat and wait for it. that’s the biggest mistake people make. but I cannot blame because the art of lying has destroyed such privilege to make the world a easier place to believe.
@...Annarchy: On the other hand, a camera also can’t misrepresent what it saw. A camera is impartial, and what it “saw” can be seen exactly as it saw it.
It’s a tradeoff. Can’t really win either way. Actually, I find it amusing that the conspiracy nuts prefer “the man” over an impartial machine that can’t lie….
Because “the man” is still human, still fallible, therefore still able to be blamed for being wrong. A camera is objective and just records the events as they happened.
@...Sticky: Sure Dude. 🙂
@...Tyger42: See lukes first post
@...dieAntagonista: I dont expect you to be able to decypher which posts im replying to but: Omg, that quote is… where did you get it, I want to read. Exchange, book?/
@...HoChunk: I was a psych major at ASU for a short bout. Skinner was the antichrist and he gave SCARY tools to control people with no regard for consequence. He is one of the most infamous people of all time in my book.
@...Tyger42: I wish you could develop some ability in cause and effect. First it was I want my privacy. Then it was fine, police can patrol my streets, then it was a federal agent can enter my home without probable cause (where the line was crossed), then it was that every public motion I make is recorded. The push and pull of liberty never goes away, and the push to destroy it is on a roll. You can decide where you WANT it to stop, but that doesnt mean it will. Why does the PD really need physical evidence of your every public move? What have you done that gives them the right? Because they certainly took my right to privacy.
@...Paul Kersey: You contradict yourself. Will facts and real world be the new order, or images projected off of a harddrive? If a picture is a fact, then photoshop is god. Just because the trend is headed that way doesnt mean its right and doesnt mean we should embrace it. And yes, I would call myself chaotic neutral.
At this point, I give up trying to make responses to all I missed, even though I love all the conversation so much. It makes me happy for, as Kersey puts it, us to have an “intellegent shitstorm”. Ive been looking at my country for 21 years looking for real conversation and concern about important topics and this is one of the first times ive actually seen it without logicless and emotional arguments.
Thank you all.
@...Tyger42: You are wrong. A camera CAN misinterpret what it saw, see my first comment.
@...Sticky: Yes, but humans made the camera, and can choose to interpret what it tells them in any way they see fit. The half-life of a pure, objective truth represented by something like a photograph has a half-life of a hummingbird’s fart.
@...Tyger42: Conspiracy nuts prefer whichever supports the theory: the man, the machine, the magical rainbow serpent-monkeys of Klarn. Remember how many people were fooled for decades by that stupid grainy Loch Ness Monster neck & head photo, only to have the perpetrator eventually claim that it was really an inches-long dinosaur toy?
@...camusapprentice: I see Photoshop as the main excuse people will use, But don’t let that say which side i’m on. Neutral is the only side your mind can be open and free without restrictions.
But it just captures a moment in time. It’s not told to interpret anything. It’s the other things that interpret it.
@...HoChunk: Six lanes? Damn. I want to see the video of that drive. And congrats on beating the ticket!
@...ColombianMonkey: Ah, how easily and quickly people have forgotten the psycho genius that Hitler was.
@...dieAntagonista: Thank you! My dad calls me an idiot for discussing politics with anyone. Love you too. Yup, I was just next door, in what was then Yugoslavia. I felt I had to go, see what I could do to help. My friend, unfortunately, saw an opportunity to sell goods. But, I just opened the truck and handed stuff out. I don’t think he’s over that yet. Opportunistic bastard.
@...Drunkin: I would stand next to you. Hm. Actually, I am pretty sure you would attract quite a crowd of people to stand behind you too. They cannot silence all of us.
@...Tyger42: Conspiracy nuts? Okay. Do you have a special pass signed by the governor or the actual person in charge of your state guaranteeing you will not be falsely imprisoned? Is it framed? Can we see it? I don’t believe in conspiracy theories. I believe that any human being can become corrupt. I also believe that taking humans out of any punitive process is an awful idea. Even corrupt people have compassion or can at least be bought off. And, the idea is that if you scream loudly enough, someone will listen. Cameras don’t give a shit.
@...HoChunk: Hummingbird farts smell better, don’t they?
They smell rather nectar-y I assume.
@...Annarchy: the thing i maturely respect about Hitler is the part of his sanity, if i get the chance to read his books i would. i look pass all that psycho murdering party, that doesn’t define a person but really what his intension’s were that is the jackpot of gold. sadly i will never know because assumptions are not results or proof since we are all different.
@...ColombianMonkey: I agree with you. Here is how I explain myself. I dont speak from my beliefs. I speak louder than how I actually feel. Kind of as how I said to Kerney before, You can believe cameras are fine UNTIL they are in your apartment, but if you wait till the next step is a camera in your apartment, its already too late to stop it.
I do not claim to have a purely neutral mind, but I do believe that most people have extreme minds. If you are a neutral, and you are in a conservative world, being neutral will not spread your ideology. You have to behave as a liberal to push the flow back to a point of neutrality.
During Vietnam, the buddists who set themselves on fire did not want radical liberties, they wanted neutrality and freedom, but in order to achieve that for the masses, they had to make a radical statement.
Now im not saying id ever be that level of myrter… I just hope that kind of helps to convey what im saying.
My true baseline. Have public cameras. Footage can only be used in felony cases. Citations are performed by actual people, not computers. However, I strongly believe that as long as people like Sheriff Arpio exist, the cameras and the tyranny and totalitarianism will not stop at that baseline.
@...ColombianMonkey: when commenting @...Annarchy: But you define it there. Hitler has many redeeming qualities to his character. However, the product of that was BAD, and you cant deny that. Are you saying because part of Hitler was sane, nay genius, what he did should not have been stopped?
I dont think you are saying that, but some of your logic collides.
@...Tyger42: your “conspiracy nuts” is a sign of weakness. Why dont you say tar baby, or maverick, or “terra” a few times. Youre not arguing with logos. You are trying to argue with ethos that you have not earned.