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    The clawmarks I left in your mom last night magnified.


    So you have six fingers on one hand and girls nails???


    Man, people are clueless. I expected, -what-is-this-shit-comments, right away when I saw this post.


    dieAntagonista: …because you’re knowledgeable in all things? Everyone is clueless about something.


    Tetsuo137: You’re good at making points I never denied. Tell me, what else can you teach me?


    Tetsuo137: You can’t win this fight. Just run. Run!


    i have about 800 examples of what that is.


    dieAntagonista: I could teach you humility; how to be unpretentious and modest. Or perhaps I could teach you to give the benefit of the doubt to people before assuming they’re ignorant.


    Tetsuo137: Haha what. You mean I should have researched people on the Internet before I assume whether they know something or not? And how come you’re allowed to assume I’m not modest. Of all the things I am, I’m most definitely modest. Except when it comes to knowledge. Then I’m greedier than a woman who has been married 40 times. And fuck yeah I’m pretentious. I myself am my harshest critic. It’s the only way to become better at anything, you know.

    All that being said, this is the Internet. If faceless opinions is all I get, then faceless opinions is all I can judge. I didn’t say anything about anyone’s morals, mother or country. Unlike you.


    I like how nobody feels bothered when people on this site say things like, “all blacks should be killed!”
    And when I call people “clueless”, I’m being painted as some kind of barbaric outlaw. It amuses me greatly.


    dieAntagonista: It’s assumed that those people are joking, whereas you are deadly serious, and probably right, and that causes some major butthurt.


    dieAntagonista: I do believe joodles: explained it the best.


    And without the colon there. >.>


    Sticky: Colectomy performed. Also thanx. Me ftw.


    OOOH, i get it!

    They’re grooves!



    What the fuck is this shit?



    Nothing of the sort, but you automatically assumed something that you do not know to be true or not. I highlighted this fact and used it as an example by calling you unmodest and pretentious, thereby doing the very thing you did, only I did it purposely.

    Did you like when I assumed something about you, regardless of wether it was true or not? Not in the least judging by your reaction, so walk in humility rather then walking by assumption.

    I would agree with the greed for knowledge, as I am the same, but when I find myself in a postion of having greater knowledge than those around me, I share that knowledge in an effort to better those around me. That my dear, is another way to become better, it is far more rewarding than being your own harshest critic.

    In closing, I do not believe I mentioned anything about morals, mothers, or countrys. Please review my previous comment and you shall find nothing of the sort.


    dieAntagonista: And as an afterthought, considering that I am part black, I would most likely be bothered and take some offense if someone said all blacks should be killed. Barbaric outlaw.


    Tetsuo137: dieAntagonista:


    Please scroll up and glance at the picture from which this spat derived. Unbelievable.


    And you honestly expect me to believe you did it on purpose but didn’t really mean it? Well here is one fine difference between you and me, I mean the things I say. And there was no hint of humour in your comment either by which I could have guessed. When I said people are clueless, I didn’t want to offend anyone, I said it based on what the person prior to me said.

    If I had said anything that made me look like I’m not modest, and you would have pointed it out – No, it certainly would have not bothered me. When you call me immodest, I feel that has to do with my morals. So there.

    And about your cheesy, sharing knowledge nonsense – seriously? On the Internet? You are far more pretentious than I am.
    When I meet someone face to face I might teach them something if I know more than them, but in this place I won’t bother if all I get is a faceless opinion to begin with.

    But you’re hilarious. So your point is that I should teach others if I know more than them, but it’s pretentious to assume that I know more than them in the first place. That really made my day.

    My grandfather was black, but that’s not the reason I feel offended by said comments. You don’t have to be black to have a problem with racism against blacks.

    Your entire argument is moot. Next.


    pedantic: He started it.


    This is the most ridiculous argument over a vinyl.


    I’m a vegan hippy-waitress-student-lawyer to be. I am ridiculous by definition. At least I can make it interesting.

    Oh yeah have I told you about this neighbour I killed? I wrote a story for her. It’s called The Elbow Queen. If you live in Europe, you can get it at your local book store, soon.


    dieAntagonista: “Your entire argument is moot. Next.” lol.


    dieAntagonista: Oh come now, just because no humour was detectable in my responses doesn’t mean I am attacking you personally, in fact I’m quite fond of your responses that I see throuhgout the site from time to time, and that is God’s honest truth. If there is one thing I enjoy more than knowledge, it is a good debate. You intrigue me. We should be friends!


    Tetsuo137: Is that so. Well, anyone who enjoys lengthy posts about trivial shit is cool in my book. There are some decent parallels between you and me, it is true. Yeah we can be e-friends. Maybe. If you beg. On your knees. Just a little.


    Tetsuo needs a butthurt form, stat.


    dieAntagonista: Beg? On my knees? If I do that it would only be because I consider you my superior, therefore I am disinclined to aquiest your request! …I wonder, is reverent prostration what you require of all your e-friends?


    Tetsuo137: No, not everyone, only from belligerent men. I’m belligerent too, it’s a natural reflex.

    Except with women. Then I’m probably the one who’s down on her knees.


    Famous riddle: how many grooves are there on a
    78 rpm record? hmmm?

    (psst: re egotistical lovers’ spat above —
    you two little nose-pickers get back to Detention.)


    Robert: 2 grooves

    1 on each side


    dieAntagonista: Nay. My natural belligerence is only triggered by those who make assumptions, however trivial they might be. I declare stalemate; two belligerent people locked in debate could result in loses on both sides! What say you?

    ….And it is said that Pisces are most compatible with Taurus, how comical.


    Die is a good argumenterator. Plus she’s a girl on the internets so that is automatically a big plus for her.
    Quick, list your qualifications and reasons why you are the superior argumenterator!


    Tetsuo137: I still don’t understand. The person that commented before me, seemed to not understand what the picture is about. I didn’t accuse him of wanting to eat babies, what is your problem. You said you like my posts. Well if that’s true, I think you should know that I have an extreme need for justice and that I can’t stand generalisations.

    So you’re a Taurus? I don’t believe in horoscopes, but are you hitting on me.


    dieAntagonista: And therein we have the key word, seemed. He seemed to not understand, but you did not endeavour to find out if he truly did or not, you immediately assumed that he was clueless, “Man, people are clueless. I expected, -what-is-this-shit-comments, right away when I saw this post.”

    I am in no way attacking you, but I believe you should know that my need for justice is extreme as well.

    As for your posts, you have a certain way of putting things that impresses me, they seem to catch my eye before anyone elses comments. Except perhaps for Natedog, his comments are fucking hilarious, to say the least!

    Yes, Taurus by birth. No I don’t not live my life according to the alignment of giant balls of gas that are billions of miles away from us. I’ll take your “hitting on me” as a question, even though there was no question mark; am I? Perhaps I am! But that should be of no concern to you, I fall into the category of “belligerent men”, remember?


    dieAntagonista: LOL!! The post, “Household Wars” by Rommel, seems almost appropriate for this argument haha


    Tetsuo137: dieAntagonista: put up your dukes!


    HoChunk: groovy… nice…


    You know some people can actually tell what type of music is on a record by “reading” the grooves? Pretty wild.


    Yeah, again, and you call me pretentious? Yeah right, because you never assumed anything like this on the Internet. Unfortunately you don’t make that many comments, but should I catch you making assumptions on the Internet, it will be the end of you. No seriously, I’m going to freak out on you and I won’t hesitate either. You’re worse than a pseudo fascist. It’s like you’re telling me, Do not make hasty assumptions about people on the Internet on a site where some guys think it would be cool to kill all blacks, girl! How dare you.

    For the most part, I think you need to sort out your priorities. And I think you’re well aware that your view on making assumptions is quite unrealistic. That way we’re not going to get anywhere.

    Besides that, you’re doing all this because you like to tease me. Because you know I like being teased and to tease back so here we all are.

    So what makes you think you can’t hit on me because you’re a belligerent man? Or that I won’t approve of you because you’re a belligerent man? See, you made a fucking assumption wiseguy. Jesus Christ I haven’t been this annoyed in a while.

    For your information, belligerent is a compliment in my eyes.


    , “@dieAntagonista: I could teach you humility; how to be unpretentious and modest. Or perhaps I could teach you to give the benefit of the doubt to people before assuming they’re ignorant.”
    Ironic, considering that was one of the most pretentious statements uttered on this site. And Ciao used to be the emperor of pretention.
    That being said. Let it go man. You’re coming across like a bitchy asshat and coupled with your thoroughly unoriginal screen name, you’re on the fast track to casemodsland.


    dieAntagonista: Tetsuo137:

    Okay, okay, okay. Break it up kids.

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