Whatever it is, you shouldn’t be loosing them already? It takes two seconds to check if you lost anything hairy on the shower curtain, it’s a nice thing to do when you are sharing shower with someone!
Hair naturally comes off a person’s body without it being considered “balding.” But these kids wouldn’t know that…just like they don’t know that an “official decree” can’t be thirded and fourthed by the same person. Or that thirding and fourthing is ever necessary. Or that it’s official because it’s typed. Dipshit undergrads.
@...nyokki: Yep. I don’t keep my chest hair trimmed.
@...rattybad: College freshmen are hilarious. Seriously, it’s that “I know everything” attitude with complete naivete and inexperience that just creates hilariously stupid situations.
Wow the same thing happened to me in the dorms in college. Some kid borrowed my water bottle or something and freaked out because he found a “pube” on it. Seriously. Chest hair. Shedding. Learn about it. I find fifty “pubes” inside every t-shirt I put in the laundry.
I’m just guessing that I could tell the difference between chest hair and pubes. As I type this though, I’m considering the chest hair on guys that have a lot (hubby doesn’t)…Is it similar to pubes?
Ahhh, those without chest hair.
So innocent.
So naive.
@...Paul_Is_Drunk: Isn’t there a significant difference between chest hair and pubes?
@...nyokki: so is your chest hair really kinky or your pubes really smooth? i know you’re a chick, you could be italian.
Whatever it is, you shouldn’t be loosing them already? It takes two seconds to check if you lost anything hairy on the shower curtain, it’s a nice thing to do when you are sharing shower with someone!
Hair naturally comes off a person’s body without it being considered “balding.” But these kids wouldn’t know that…just like they don’t know that an “official decree” can’t be thirded and fourthed by the same person. Or that thirding and fourthing is ever necessary. Or that it’s official because it’s typed. Dipshit undergrads.
I Fifth + Sixth
@...rattybad: don’t forget skin also 🙂
Why do people still let their pubes grow wild anyway? Nothing’s nastier than a wiry thatch of crotch hair.
@...nyokki: Yep. I don’t keep my chest hair trimmed.
@...rattybad: College freshmen are hilarious. Seriously, it’s that “I know everything” attitude with complete naivete and inexperience that just creates hilariously stupid situations.
Wow the same thing happened to me in the dorms in college. Some kid borrowed my water bottle or something and freaked out because he found a “pube” on it. Seriously. Chest hair. Shedding. Learn about it. I find fifty “pubes” inside every t-shirt I put in the laundry.
I’m just guessing that I could tell the difference between chest hair and pubes. As I type this though, I’m considering the chest hair on guys that have a lot (hubby doesn’t)…Is it similar to pubes?
@...nyokki: really no, but it can differ depending race. but maybe you can ask natedog?