If Your Buddy List Was Honest


Holy Taco

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    How accurate.


    so fucking true

    Joeseph Goebbels

    Very True.




    So real, it HURTS!


    I’m the, Person who leaves their IM without an away message- one.

    I’m sorry. I don’t have ADD, but it would explain a lot. Ooh I think I just saw something shiny– woosh


    dieAntagonista: That’s why I have changed Live Messenger to change my status to away after 30 minutes, not 10 as standard. I don’t have many friends on it, so it can easily go 10 mins without being used. But 30 minutes? Then I’m usually gone. Or I just set it as away the whole day, if people want to chat they’ll just check if I’m here.

    I have never understood the need to have people you never talk to on your lists? If you delete them from Live Messenger, they are still blocked if that’s the reason you need to have them there. I guess other programs work the same? I don’t want to SEE people I don’t like, so away they go! It’s a habit I learned when I started using IMs back in the old days of slow computers.. Mine would freeze up and start to noise really bad whenever someone logged on!! So why have people there that just disturbed me, and not just friends I would talk to anyway?


    You do realize you can adjust the settings right? I have it so even if I’ve never MSN’d them I can still receive messages (hell-OH spam!). Btw flyingcat88 where are you from, you type like the person who’s fluent and relatively familiar with english.

    Oh and I’d totally be the “Girl you want to bang”

    kidding xD I’m a guy 🙂


    I only have like 5 people on aim/yahoo. I use xfire and steam


    That’s pretty much every social networking list I’ve ever seen.

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