@...mld: Umm…I’m pretty sure the “striped hair” is just the sun peeking through some blinds. Otherwise kudos to the photographer for getting the stripes on her hair to match the stripes on her shirt and chest.
First one is shopped. Someone took a picture of a dragon, place it on top of the chick, than set the dragon to multiply, made it transparent, oh, by 25% it looks like, erased the necessary parts, and voila. It’s fake. Fake, fake, fake. You’re idiots if you think it’s real. Hell, the whole thing is shooped, I mean, her body even, the backround, yetch.
That girl isn’t very attractive and normally I don’t like tattoos on women, but for some reason hers are an extreme turn on.
@...Mystik: I don’t think I would kick her out of bed with or without the tattoos.
I think that first one may be shooped, as well as a repost.
butterface… butterface!
lose the barretes and the striped hair too..
otherwise, Om-non-non to the 23rd power
@...Mystik: ditto, i think because the tatoo is clean.
The girl is Beautiful,… Tattoos and all.
@...mld: Umm…I’m pretty sure the “striped hair” is just the sun peeking through some blinds. Otherwise kudos to the photographer for getting the stripes on her hair to match the stripes on her shirt and chest.
@...mld: something about your post makes me think that you are a complete tool…but I just cant put my finger on it…
@...pantsoffdanceoff: http://www.powerbuilttools.co.nz/Images/CC007w.gif???
Now that’s a dragon I want to ride again and again, then take home.
@...SumoSnipe: Word.
A dragon lady in the flesh.
First one is shopped. Someone took a picture of a dragon, place it on top of the chick, than set the dragon to multiply, made it transparent, oh, by 25% it looks like, erased the necessary parts, and voila. It’s fake. Fake, fake, fake. You’re idiots if you think it’s real. Hell, the whole thing is shooped, I mean, her body even, the backround, yetch.
@...awfulintentions: congrats. nobody cares if it’s fake. but thanks for your opinion 🙂
@...awfulintentions: of course it is not real, it is a fucking picture.