bbq ducks..

ducks.jpg (57 KB)

so peaceful. so…red.
in the window of the asian bakery on south grand, by my apt.

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    YAY I get to use my favorite word: Gnaaaaaaarly!


    Tasty tasty murder!!!!!!


    does anyone know what the name is of that…I think it’s a dessert…made from coagulated duck blood? I had some in China and I can’t for the life of me remember what it was called.


    no, over here
    no, over here
    no, over here

    oh quacky what have they dideded to you!?

    (million internets if you can name it)

    Marked Hoosier

    wartoaster: The Pest staring John Leguizamo. 🙂


    This reminds me of Henry Spencer & Mary X’ baby.


    I am from HK. Couldnt believe such a normal thing would appear on my confined space becoz… I saw these roasted birds everyday.

    I seldom heard coagulated duck blood. Usually coagulated pig/chicken blood. They are called CHU(pig)HUNG(red) or GAI(chicken)HUNG(red).





    Remember Debuggon, America is a culturally disinfected place. Very few places actually have duck and even less displayed like this… at least in my experiences.

    I was probably one pathetic little kid that cried about it or PETA or some other wacko group… The new American way is to bend to the weakest link… If one person dose not like it and they make a big enough hissy fit… Then everyone else has to accommodate them… by law… it’s Bullshit.. but the truth.


    It wasn’t a dessert really, i don’t know why i thought of that, but it was in a soup, like duck blood tofu. I pretty sure it was sheshwan (sp?) cuisine. It was definitely duck blood though.


    looks like regular Peking duck to me. wats the big deal?


    animal activists could be worse, an animal rights group in Britain dug up somebody’s mother from her grave in protest. cretins….


    people act like being a vegetarian isn’t murder



    They look like they’re in a cha cha line.


    There is a vietnamese duck blood soup called tiet canh.

    Btw, there are tons of places here in tampa/orlando FL that hang roast duck on display


    Elepski: Yeah, it’s all because someone cried to PETA! Which is why it was a rare sight even before PETA was founded……… Go to Chinatown in any major city. You’ll see it. It’s not a common sight in other parts of the US because it’s not a part of American culture.


    Tyger42: please don’t tell me peta acts up on this???


    ColombianMonkey: Haven’t heard of them acting up on this specifically, but they are very much against eating any kind of meat. You know, fuck nature…


    Pic instantly made me think of A Christmas Story.

    ♫ Deck the harrs with bows of horry, fa ra ra ra ra, ra ra, ra, ra…♫




    Tyger42: my basic view on peta that i find its good that they go against animal brutality but it’s kinda crossing the line with eating meat. i mean if people want to eat something leave them eat it with some moderation but those women in cages in peta protesting is kinda absurd. i could pinpoint how a fraction of them are doing what they are trying to go against, it’s like a big joke. maybe peta want’s to be a religion and join the already never ending piss & flamewar.


    Someone needs to hang a goose next to the last one.


    or… mmmmm roasted skeksis


    LOL roasted skeksis, I was thinking the same thing about five comments up, but couldn’t remember their names.


    Senshi: I ROFL’d.


    Reminded me of that zombie cop movie “Dead Heat”

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