@...Stolid: Spiders don’t really ‘eat’. What that spider is going to do is inject the lizard with venom & digestive juices. The insides of the lizard will turn into a milkshake. The spider will drink up as much as it needs and then wrap the lizard for later use.
How about humans, who do things like rip organisms in half while they are still growing, throw them into the back of a truck, and transport them off to be wrapped. Some of them are still alive when they get to the packaging facility.
These unfortunate souls are then taken to market, where their sundered forms are put on display for everyone to inspect.
Eventually, someone like you will come along, give them a squeeze to check for freshness, and bring them home. There, they are put in cold storage until such time as you deem fit to grab a handful of flesh, rip it off and toss it into a salad bow.
From there, it get’s stuffed into your omnivorous maw, where it is mercilessly masticated, pulped into shreds. It descends into a bladder full of acid where it is broken down into nutrients.
And that’s just what happens when you eat lettuce.
@...rattybad: Nah. Why, is it common knowledge or something? Sadly, I’m not very big on biology. I have a very vivid imagination though, so naturally suicydking’s comment freaked me out.
@...nyokki: Same here. Oh damn, you’re right. This is the second time already, that I linked you to snail porno. I didn’t do it intentionally, I swear.
I think I just pooped a little…
Article by Ben Urich, photographs by Peter Parker
Nuke it with fire!!
Now, it is clear that the spider can not eat that whole thing… must be an American spider…
I’d like to see more of this… just to be sure…
@...Stolid: Spiders don’t really ‘eat’. What that spider is going to do is inject the lizard with venom & digestive juices. The insides of the lizard will turn into a milkshake. The spider will drink up as much as it needs and then wrap the lizard for later use.
I say we dust off and nuke it from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure.
The spider must not be a fan of Geico.
@...Silverwolf: Peters getting lazy. . .
@...suicydking: That’s the 3rd most terrifying thing I have read on here.
@...MikesterMike: I played that game with my friends. It turned int Rock-Paper-Punch-Kick-Smash.
@...dieAntagonista: Terrifying? That’s just nature.
How about humans, who do things like rip organisms in half while they are still growing, throw them into the back of a truck, and transport them off to be wrapped. Some of them are still alive when they get to the packaging facility.
These unfortunate souls are then taken to market, where their sundered forms are put on display for everyone to inspect.
Eventually, someone like you will come along, give them a squeeze to check for freshness, and bring them home. There, they are put in cold storage until such time as you deem fit to grab a handful of flesh, rip it off and toss it into a salad bow.
From there, it get’s stuffed into your omnivorous maw, where it is mercilessly masticated, pulped into shreds. It descends into a bladder full of acid where it is broken down into nutrients.
And that’s just what happens when you eat lettuce.
@...suicydking: That made me laugh real hard. I was all ready to freak out on you and tell you that that’s why I’m vegan. I’m such a fool.
@...dieAntagonista: lol irl +69 interwebbings
oops that was supposed to be @...suicydking
I’m pretty sure that joke has been done before. I’m just laughing at “masticated”.
@...dieAntagonista: You really didn’t know that about spiders?
@...Sticky: WINRAR
@...rattybad: Nah. Why, is it common knowledge or something? Sadly, I’m not very big on biology. I have a very vivid imagination though, so naturally suicydking’s comment freaked me out.
Honestly, I thought it was.
you guys let me down so i will say it: OHhhhh NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM!
At least spiders liquefy the insides; flies just vomit acid onto its food and then slurp it up. Well according to Jeff Goldblum anyway.
Nah, according to Isabella Rossellini, the acid thing is true.
outofocus showed me this:
@...dieAntagonista: I love the snail porno.
@...nyokki: Same here. Oh damn, you’re right. This is the second time already, that I linked you to snail porno. I didn’t do it intentionally, I swear.
@...dieAntagonista: Heheh
@MikesterMike that comment made me giggle for at least 5 minutes. @suicydking WOW! you need write a book, very descriptive.
Isabella Rossellini is kookie! That link was a bit scary, scarier then that ^spider^