Red Panda Bears. Standing like people. Suuuuuuupre Cuuuuuute.
“Smithers, look: he’s standing up. I’ve never seen anything so adorable! Do you know who it reminds me of?”
Rory Calhoun?
They are not bears, they’re more closely related to raccoons. You don’t see us going around saying, “Ooh look, raccoon bears”.
This is probably my favorite animal. Love these little critters. You can call them snazzlefrazz for all I care, there still the cutest little buggers.
“Smithers, look: he’s standing up. I’ve never seen anything so adorable! Do you know who it reminds me of?”
Rory Calhoun?
They are not bears, they’re more closely related to raccoons. You don’t see us going around saying, “Ooh look, raccoon bears”.
This is probably my favorite animal. Love these little critters. You can call them snazzlefrazz for all I care, there still the cutest little buggers.