Who knew that penguins could launch their poo at you? Found at:
Who knew that penguins could launch their poo at you? Found at:
Ha! That is awesome. I wanna be able to do that.
That is going to haunt my dreams.
@...nyokki: Sometimes if I eat mexican food I can do that. Kind of.
But will it take off?
@...penguin_lady: So I must force myself to like Mexican food so I can eat enough of it to have massive explosive diarrhea. maybe I’ll add some red dye to the mix.
@...SumoSnipe: No. This the reason penguins can’t fly. They figured this was a better route than wings. They were wrong…silly penguins.
This Penguin had more Super Power than Batman
Thats nothing. I did that this morning.
Ruptured Penguin Butt