@...joodles: Kinder can be translated to English from German which says children. the chocolate manufacturer is Farrero. Origin is in Italy but Headquarters reside in Luxembourg.
@...ColombianMonkey: Haha… I don’t see how that could possibly fail! Unless she was allergic to hazelnuts. However there is a problem in that you’re giving a woman food… it it Soviet Russia or something?
Why is are kids so fat???
Why? Because of your grammar.
@...CathyLong: Leave him alone, he’s pickling his liver.
Where is are this from? I don’t recognise any of the candy, bar the Kinder bar.
Those is are russain candies
@...copypaiste: So the kid is making the candy fat, and the candy eats the kid…. etc.
But is are children learning?
wont someone please think of the younglings???
@...joodles: That’s pretty crafty thar. I like the cut of your jib.
@...dusturd: Only the craftiest of humorists know about the “in Russia” meme.
In Soviet Russia, joke makes you. Is are that funny? (Hint: The wrong answer is “yes.”)
@...joodles: Kinder can be translated to English from German which says children. the chocolate manufacturer is Farrero. Origin is in Italy but Headquarters reside in Luxembourg.
@...ColombianMonkey: I thought it was Fererro. I used to love Kinder eggs when I was little.
@...joodles: The internet says it’s Ferrero. Ferrero Rocher are amazing.
@...joodles: i know.. if i want something from a girl i give her big box of Rocher.
@...ColombianMonkey: Haha… I don’t see how that could possibly fail! Unless she was allergic to hazelnuts. However there is a problem in that you’re giving a woman food… it it Soviet Russia or something?
*is are it
@...joodles: last time my brain tells me is no. never met a russian chick. pretty hardcore but it’s on my bucketlist.
btw the awnser to this question Above is “parents”
@...ColombianMonkey: wat
Jabba, you’re a wonderful human being.
@...joodles: which part you don’t understand?
@...Senshi: http://icanhascheezburger.com/2008/03/04/funny-pictures-and-a-cookie/