Obama Cola!
go to http://www.jonessoda.com/ and customize your own soda bottle. I especially liked this one: http://www.jonessoda.com/gallery/view.php?ID=982736
Obama Cola!
go to http://www.jonessoda.com/ and customize your own soda bottle. I especially liked this one: http://www.jonessoda.com/gallery/view.php?ID=982736
Brought to you by the people who actually make and sell a group of four sodas that are supposed to taste like your Thanksgiving dinner…
Aw-riight. Pass the soda.
I’m Barack Obama and I approve of this message.
I bet their first idea was grape soda.
shouldn’t obama’s soda be GRRAP!
No. It should be more like PURPLE DRANK.
Okey dokey then.
Wow this guy is almost as usable for ripping people off as that global warming bullshit.
Also: yes Obama grape drink would have been way better.
I love Jones so damn much that sometimes I just want to explode.
@Sticky: way to take my joke and make it less funny
Mmm…how appropriate – Jim “Jones” Kool-Aid in a bottle.
Obama Strawberry Fanta
Don’t people see this is just ripping off blacks? Like Jordan shoes and Tiger gator-aide.
“Hey I’m black and not a loser. Buy my shoes!”
It’s just one person’s idea for a Jone’s soda (design your own) label. It’s got nothing to do w/ Obama, blacks…or anything actually. Got a mountain out of mole hill thing going on here.
Gee, BAAAAAWW much?
Bush has a shoe and a book of Bushisms.
Obama has a soda and has written several books.
Obama 1: Bush -1000
Umm…the last time I checked, a book of Bushisms didn’t cost 9 TRILLION fucking dollars.
Umm…the last time I checked, George Bush cost you 9 TRILLION fucking dollars.
Because he is buffoon.
Wtf how? bush/the government spent 600 billion on iraq and 48 billion on Afghanistan, unless you are counting the 3 trillion we borrowed from china which in combination with other borrowed money makes up about 20 percent of the governments debt, oh and the 500 billion dollar debt from the first spending/bailout. So that makes bush at about 4 trillion dollars. There is now 11 trillion dollars of debt under the obama administration.
@...LukeV1-5: @...thelotuseater725: That’s just what it costs to clean up after Bush. He spent trillions and skipped out on the bill. So we not only have to pay for his outrageous spending, we also have to pay for all the stuff he should have been spending money on (e.g. infrastructure, veterans benefits).
Wow! all this debate from a funny cola bottle!