Nice guns

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    In before “shot my load”




    Was expecting a scantily clad woman in the last pic.




    Its insane that some people in the world still worship the firearm. I mean how pathetic do you have to be worship and love a device that’s only purpose is to deal out death? Its like being in love with the guillitone, or the rack. Sick people.


    dhg4983: I love the guillotine, great for chopping carrots.


    dhg4983: Isn’t it more insane to worship something as abstract as a deity, of whom there’s no proof of existence whatsoever(did that sentence make sense?)?

    Luke Magnifico

    How come no one ever bitches about firarms being airbrushed.


    I’ve always been so vexed as to why men like guns so much, but after playing Counter-Strike for a while I’ve grown to like them too. Gay.


    That’s right. I mean… how many wars have we gone to because of our religious beliefs and how many people have died because they believed in the wrong god.

    Still… I agree that a lot of people need a better hobby, to glorify a gun is a pretty scary thing


    : blaspheme! you own 2 out of 3 of those guns pictured.

    Hey, I’m glad after 28 years of life, I decided to get a hand gun. Its not like I go off capping people that give me a bad attitude or I go on random killing sprees. Hell, I haven’t even fired it in almost a year… I just like having it right there with me all the time b/c why would I possibly want to damage my fist knocking someone in the face, when a nice piece of hot lead will do a better job!


    I know. Jesus, that .45 at the top is airbrushed all to hell and I’m pretty sure they shopped the handguard to make it bigger than it actually is.

    Special Kail

    how about “idolizing anything is stupid”? Anytime any person becomes too obsessed with some one thing, it usually leads to trouble i.e. religion, guns, and so forth. The real problem is people who become so obsessed with something that for anyone to say something bad about it sends them into a blind ignorant redneck rampage. Fuck religion, fuck politics, fuck guns. As the great H.P. Baxter once said, “My mouth is gonna gun you down.”


    Better to warship something material then something you can’t see or touch, or for that matter, prove is real.

    Religion is bullshit. They should not acknowledge it at all anywhere. It’s like racism. Your going to hate someone because they believe something else? That’s why it’s best to keep quiet.

    Special Kail

    naye, worshipping anything is futile. Worship nothing. nothing controls you, nothing is watching out for you. you can take nothing with you when you die.



    Ah donkey dick, you are the only one who gets my irony.



    Not those exact manufacteries

    Luke Magnifico

    You’re all wrong.

    You should worship me. I don’t do anything for you, but, unlike SOME idols, I don’t ask for anything in return.

    However, I am quite partial to the odd danish.

    Woman or pastry, you decide.


    LukeV1-5: you are right. That last pic, No one has gear that pristine. No scuffs or scratches, no heat scoring, and not a wrinkle or speck of lint on the vest and rig? I call hijinx!


    You guys are overreacting. You don’t think it’s possible to use new, polished guns and gear to take photographs, instead of using old, used gear?


    Ha ha ha–only on MyConfinedSpace could a gun cheesecake post turn into an argument about the veracity of religion.


    the first pistol is for use in compton.

    the second pistol is for use in harlem.

    the M-4, with the option of single shot, 3-shot burst, or full automatic is designed specifically for use on the borders of the United States to stop illegals from entering. Plus its useful when you are hungry and see a deer.

    Great pictures though, the above is just me being sarcastic though someone is going to take offense, well, because its the internet.


    My father was killed by a gun purchased for self-defence.

    Self-Defense: The Great Myth of America’s Gun Industry

    Guns have long been seen as tools of self-defense in the United States. But, contrary to gun industry hype, unintended consequences often happen when people buy guns for self-defense. Studies by public health professionals have repeatedly found that having a gun around for any reason increases the likelihood that a family member—as opposed to a criminal—will be injured or killed with a gun. A 1997 American Journal of Public Health study showed that family members that had a history of buying a handgun from a licensed dealer were twice as likely to die in a suicide or homicide as were persons similarly situated who had no such family history of gun purchase. This increased risk persisted for more than five years after the handgun was purchased.

    Other studies have looked specifically at the more narrow question of keeping guns in the home for self-defense. One, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, found that having a gun in the home made it nearly three times more likely that someone in the family will be killed. This risk isparticularly high for women, who are more likely to be killed by a spouse, intimate acquaintance, or close relative. An Archives of Internal Medicine study found that, with one or more guns in the home,the risk of suicide among women increased nearly five times and the risk of homicide increased more than three times.

    These and other studies have documented repeatedly the enhanced risk that comes from bringing a gun into the home. Even the gun press admits the risk in unguarded moments. Describing the demise of so-called “lintel guns,” firearms hung over the door ready for immediate action in frontier times, Shooting Sports Retailer noted:

    “Today, guns in a home used for self protection are not hung over the door but are more likely in a desk drawer or beside the bed in a night stand. When a child is hurt in a firearm accident it is often the self defense gun that was found, played with, and ultimately fired by the youngster.”

    But how often do people use guns successfully to protect themselves from criminal acts? Does it justify the deaths and damage that comes with guns? Apparently not. Most studies have found that guns play a relatively minor role in preventing crime but a major role in facilitating it. For example, the US Department of Justice study found that, on the average, between 1987 and 1992 only one percent of actual or attempted victims of violent crime, or about 62,000 people, attempted to defend themselves with a firearm. On the other hand, criminals armed with handguns committed a record 931,000 violent crimes in 1992. Data from the FBI’s Crime in the United States reveals that for every time in 1998 that a civilian used a handgun to kill in self-defense, 50 people lost their lives in handgun homicides alone.

    One advocate of the value of handguns for self-defense is Gary Kleck, professor of criminology at Florida State University in Tallahassee. Kleck and his colleague Mark Gertz claim their survey research indicates that civilians use guns in self-defense up to 2.5 million times a year. Naturally enough, the NRA and the gun industry have widely cited Kleck’s work as proof of the value of owning a gun. But Dr. David Hemenway, a professor at Harvard’s School of Public Health, dissected the work of Kleck and Gertz in The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, concluding that their survey contained ”a huge overestimation bias” and that their estimate is “highly exaggerated.” Hemenway applied Kleckand Gertz’s methodology to a 1994 ABC News/Washington Post survey in which people were asked if they had ever seen an alien spacecraft or come into direct contact with a space alien. He demonstrated that, by the application of Kleck and Gertz’s methodology, one would conclude that almost 20 million Americans have seen a spacecraft from another planet and more than a million have actually met space aliens.


    dusktime: repost rant. Its been a few months, so you should have something new to say, or new data to put up. Please?


    : I’ll see if my father can be killed with a gun again for you…

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