I, and some friends saw this movie in the theater. We initially went to watch Persis Khambatta (who was extreeemly hot), and ended up doing a Mystery Science Theater on it (looong before MST was even a concept). After that, for a couple of days, everything was mega this and mega that; hilarious fun if your 15.
Mega bye-bye
I got kicked out of megaforce. Wusses didn’t like me upgrading the equipment. Nuke powered assault bikes. Come on, whats a little radiation among friends?
Um… This sucks Bevis. Change it.
damn, I mean
WTF?!?!? Aw come on! Fine, I’ll hotlink from another website! Bastards!
It took me a second to realize he was actually wearing clothing.
@...Paul_Is_Drunk: Ditto.
Also, I’m fairly certain that I’m not man enough for megawhatever…bitch.
I, and some friends saw this movie in the theater. We initially went to watch Persis Khambatta (who was extreeemly hot), and ended up doing a Mystery Science Theater on it (looong before MST was even a concept). After that, for a couple of days, everything was mega this and mega that; hilarious fun if your 15.
Mega bye-bye
I got kicked out of megaforce. Wusses didn’t like me upgrading the equipment. Nuke powered assault bikes. Come on, whats a little radiation among friends?
he looks like he has an ass where his cock should be
and that’s one mega-lame headband
I had no idea this existed because I thought it was STA: Mega Force
Loved this movie as a kid. Hate the thoughts of it as an adult. Probably has a lot to do with this:
This reminds me of MASK.