Wow… I so want that in my home. Maybe not in my bedroom, but possibly somewhere suitable for creeping out guests and visitors and verifying their suspicions that I’m a weirdo. Hell, she and Sil from Species would make for nice decorations, especially if they were posed in an intimate manner. Hmmmm… xenomorphic lesbians.
@...Tardex: A literal LOL, and I plan to use this exact quote the next time
the little missus comes home bubbling about the latest (female) celebrity she got to meet.
What’s the source? Curious if this is a well crafted statue, the ultimate cosplay, or if they’re filming live action sequences for Starcraft II (or doing a real movie that I haven’t heard about)
Oh god, I bet she’s sticky. She’s probably sticky.
Well… it was only a matter of time before someone requested THAT real doll…
wait for it…….yup, I’d still hit it
I thought she was an ice skater. Guess that knee injury worked better than we thought.
Wow… I so want that in my home. Maybe not in my bedroom, but possibly somewhere suitable for creeping out guests and visitors and verifying their suspicions that I’m a weirdo. Hell, she and Sil from Species would make for nice decorations, especially if they were posed in an intimate manner. Hmmmm… xenomorphic lesbians.
Oh, and anybody knows the source?
@...Tardex: A literal LOL, and I plan to use this exact quote the next time
the little missus comes home bubbling about the latest (female) celebrity she got to meet.
Now that’s some fucked up, repugnant shit right there.
A nice, solid carapace is a plus for any woman.
Someone feed her a sammich! I can see ribs…
I’d zerg it.
@...Silverwolf: Blizzard has statues like that all over their offices. I think it’s a moral thing.
@...toof: Hit it where? She doesn’t even appear to have the appropriate parts anymore… And if she does, there are chitin plates. Chafing….*shudder*
I must say, she is certainly not me.
Well no one has outright said it yet… OM NOM NOM NOM
Zerg rush!!!… in my pants 😉 KEK
Interestingly enough, the comments from “Crawfish Boil” (4 pictures up) aptly apply here as well.
What’s the source? Curious if this is a well crafted statue, the ultimate cosplay, or if they’re filming live action sequences for Starcraft II (or doing a real movie that I haven’t heard about)
Cosplay ?
I think she’d be a little more rigid if…oh what do I know…This is a Great piece of work no matter what, just makes me salivate for SC2 bad.
@...scandata: I was thinking, “Nancy?” but I guess you beat me too it. SOB! 😉
I’m pretty sure this is one of the statues that Blizzard Commissioned for their offices / promotional events.
I think she’s beautiful. Except for the cockroach-like appendages.
LOL I love that guy!!!
@...Sticky: Oh, well, I’m so sorry. There seems to have been a terrible misunderstanding. Are you sure you’re not her?
they had better not be making a movie…
If you hit it then I bet you got crabs!!!
It was a job for the Blizzcon 2008