“My real life hasn`t started yet”

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Anyone know the source?

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    I dunno what it’s from, but it wins.


    How I feel right fucking now. FUCK.


    source : “kaiji ultimate survivor”
    by the same author than “Akagi”, Nobuyuki Fukumoto.



    should be more in detail to strike the hearts of moar people.


    I recently got over this feeling. I decided if I’m not going to take my crazy dreams seriously nobody will.


    bathtub full, check
    toaster, check
    GFI shorted, check



    Some could argue that organized religion has the same idea. That this life isn’t the real one; That the real life is ‘heaven,’ hence why people are free to waste their lives on Earth.

    People see Existentialism as a depressing philosophy, because it asserts that this life has meaning, and we must do what we can while we endure this mortal coil, but really it’s enlifting, because it also asserts that the only thing holding ourselves back is ourselves.

    Existentialism isn’t completely atheistic either, as Kierkegaard & Dostoevsky were both christian Existentialists and the progenitors of the philosophical movement.


    Paul_Is_Drunk: I dunno about that. Very few religions that I have read of appear to consider this life to be any less real than the next, nor condone it being frittered away. Many religions tend to treat the present life as a necessary and very real one.

    In fact, for most religions, it seems as though that our actions in this life is of paramount importance, and many posit rather hefty penalties in the next life, for those who live this one incorrectly. So from my perspective, for those religions that have an afterlife, or reincarnation, etc. it seems like every lifetime would be of equal importance…

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