@...the3g_ipwn: And infinitely less stupid and contrived. I can better see Aliens and Predators sitting around playing chess while sipping their choice of alcohol over the crap they had in the movies..
The only thing I like about the movies is the idea “Aliens as hunting game for the Predators” beyond that, fuck ’em. Wait, I didn’t even see the second one. shit. Netflix.
The original AVP movie had a decent plot and story line. Unfortunately that’s never enough for producers of these movies. They have to fuck w/ the script, add stupid stuff and delete good parts, then add a whole lot of ridiculous and un-needed sfx.
@...HoChunk: Yes, this is stolen straight from Robot Chicken. Robot Chicken also did a “dating game” episode where a Predator went out with an Alien. There was no second date. 🙂
@...NoOneInParticular: They really should have reversed the genders in that “Dating Game” bit. I mean, think about the Alien’s ‘tongue’, then think about what the Predator’s mouth looks like.
This is a set of print ads run by a New Zealand cable channel advertising its upcoming showing of Aliens vs. Predator. As you can see they feature an Alien vs. Predator playing together civilly.
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More exciting than either of the movies.
@...the3g_ipwn: And infinitely less stupid and contrived. I can better see Aliens and Predators sitting around playing chess while sipping their choice of alcohol over the crap they had in the movies..
The only thing I like about the movies is the idea “Aliens as hunting game for the Predators” beyond that, fuck ’em. Wait, I didn’t even see the second one. shit. Netflix.
Predator 2 and Dark Horse comics came up with that concept.
The original AVP movie had a decent plot and story line. Unfortunately that’s never enough for producers of these movies. They have to fuck w/ the script, add stupid stuff and delete good parts, then add a whole lot of ridiculous and un-needed sfx.
Didn’t they do a gag of this on Robot Chicken as well?
It looks like the Alien is making the first move. With black. Whups. Awesome pic, though.
more liek alien LOVES Predator, amirite?
http://alienlovespredator.com amirite?
@...HoChunk: Yes, this is stolen straight from Robot Chicken. Robot Chicken also did a “dating game” episode where a Predator went out with an Alien. There was no second date. 🙂
This isn’t even fair. Aliens can’t play Chess.
hah yeah where he loved boobs but the alien was as flat as a washboard.. so sad =[
@...NoOneInParticular: They really should have reversed the genders in that “Dating Game” bit. I mean, think about the Alien’s ‘tongue’, then think about what the Predator’s mouth looks like.
This is a set of print ads run by a New Zealand cable channel advertising its upcoming showing of Aliens vs. Predator. As you can see they feature an Alien vs. Predator playing together civilly.
Your outcome is superb, but there’re a big quantity points to order the papers for money from the purchase term paper service. It would give students a chance to get A+!