According to geological historians, the Earth has actually cooled over the last 5000 years. That’s right. The next iceage is with in 30,000 years. So take all those giant wind mills and put them in front of Al Gore. I’m sure he has enough hot air to power the world.
“Treat the earth well.
It was not given to you by your parents,
it was loaned to you by your children.
We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors,
we borrow it from our Children.”
– Ancient Native American Proverb
@...the3g_ipwn: but the last ice age we wasn’t polluting as much as we are now so were just speeding up the process. but i see you don’t care cause by the time you will be dead so yea.
@...MonkeyHitman: No, I agree that we pollute too much. I also think that it has become big buisness. Like how Nanci Pelossi flew coast to coast 50 times in a G-V the last time congress was in secession.
You also have to understand that CO2 is plant food. It’s not all bad to be putting carbon dioxide in the air.
I think we, as consumers, can controll more pollution than government policies. If you don’t want to pollute, don’t buy plastic plates and spoons and cups for your next party. Drive a Yaris.
enough4 (#5927)
16 years ago
“The findings of the world’s scientists can be dismissed immediately by non-scientists, merely upon the discovery that Al Gore is fat.”
@...MonkeyHitman: And you trust todays scientists as “known experts?”
enough4 (#5927)
16 years ago
“Nobody knows less about science than scientists. If you want the truth about science, ask someone on an anonymous web forum. Seriously, I’m a fucking idiot who doesn’t know shit.”
– Stephen Hawking, 1942 c.e. – 99XXx_a¥¤ v.c. (Vulcan calendar)
ITT: No one will admit they have no idea what they are talking about.
Did anyone else here know that a vast majority (60-70%+) of our oxygen comes from sea algae? Of course not. Everyone assumes it comes from trees (which definitely help) but don’t go and do the actual research.
Everyone has an agenda, then goes and looks for evidence to support their views, ignoring all contradicting evidence.
The fact is that the average global temperature has risen 2* Celsius in the last 100 years. During the last ice age, the average temperature of the Earth was just 10* cooler. The world wasn’t a literal ball of ice like movies make it out to be. That’s how close we are.
Ah, whatever. Just like people during the plagues “knew” that it was cats that were causing it and killed them, people “know” that global warming doesn’t exist, because scientists are only right when they make big screen TVs or bigger trucks.
Maybe I should stick to Samus Aran picks so everyone can go back to jerking off to distract them from reality.
Exactly! Those species of animal dependent on certain temperature ranges and climate stability could use a tan once in a while.
I’ll even bet when there’s beach front property in Denver, you’ll hear a lot of whining, too. Oh boo hoo, you went from shoveling out feet of snow every winter to having the best property in a seller’s market! The horror, the horror!
@...HoChunk: North American Union, the Amero, the secret concentration camps across America for US citizens that would stand against the New World Order, the declining health care systems, the legality of natural health products hanging in the balance so as to have us solely dependent on artificial health products, the upcoming Web 2.0 which will force you to choose packages that include certain access to sites of your choice (Top 10 sites package, Top 20 sites package,etc.) to squeeze the extra dollar out of you, all in the name of “better internet security for you and your family”
Governments will use such things as global warming as a distraction, 9/11 is another distraction. Because you think a bunch of arabs organized themselves to fly planes into buildings? Heck no, the go ahead was given by Bush, who needed an excuse to bring about “The War on Terror”.
Disctraction: The nations citizens believe that all arabs are evil, suicidal, holy jihad crusaders who will strike at America with any chance they can. Meanwhile, giving the States a “reason” to invade. Whats in the middle east? Oil and lots of it.
On another note, was there weapons of mass destruction found to be had by Saddam? Negative. Because Bush had weapons of peace and love?
Ignorant questions for ignorant people from ignorant people:
1- What proportion of the planet is unsuitable for life due to excessively low temperatures? What proportion is unsuitable for life due to excessively high temperature? (Hint: the problem in the Sahara is lack of water, not excessive heat.)
2- Of all the chemical components people dump into the air and water, which ones are the most dangerous, unnatural, and difficult to get rid of? (Hint: CO2 doesn’t even make the top ten of that list.)
Tetsuo137 is right. Global warming is a distraction by the global science community to prevent us from finding out the truth: that while Pop Rocks and Coke CAN’T kill you, Pop Rocks and RC cola CAN.
Fortunately, no one ever buys RC, let alone in conjunction with Pop Rocks, but soon the truth will be revealed, and Al Gore will be powerless to stop it…
@...Tetsuo137: I have to agree and there is PLENTY of evidence indicating that humans are not the ones causing it. Fight with me about it if you wish, but just remember. Nasa discovered that all the planets in our solar system are warming. Even pluto. As far as I know, humans don’t live there. whats worse, they will have a carbon tax on EVERYTHING. even livestock
@...Tetsuo137: Whoa dude, hold on there. Are you fucking serious? I enjoy crazy conspiracy theories about the NWO and stuff, but all that stuff you mentioned is just theoretical right now. Global warming is more of a distraction than 9/111. In fact 9/11 conspiracies are pure FUCKING BULLSHIT. Global warming presents a universal threat to all people of all races, faiths, and lifestyles. Terrorism poses a threat to uneducated people, palestinians and Israelis. Even al-quaeda said attacking the USA was a shitty idea. God man somebody has been hanging out on‘s NWO forum for too long.
People never bother to look up how safe nuclear power is. You’ll almost never hear about how the US government and independent organizations have developed and tested containers that have withstood a train crashing into them at 100mph and exploding. You’ll never hear that the spent fuel rods can be recycled in a decently environmentally friendly manner. You’ll never hear that the average nuclear powerplant will not explode upon meltdown nor will it kill anyone near it. Nope all you hear is TSCHERNOBYL! THREE MILE ISLAND!THE SELLAFIELD BEACH INCIDENT! Both all of which represent some 400 operational reactors in the world. To top it off the technology is twice as stable and safe as it was in the 80’s and even the 90’s. But no, science is a bad thing unless you are using it to scare people.
@...Paul_Is_Drunk: I’ll admit it. When it comes down to it I have trust (more or less) the scientists that do the actual studies. Anything anyone else says is irrelevant. If the great majority of scientists say global climate change is not only inevitable but going on right now, I gotta go w/ them. Of course, it’s not an absolute belief and is subject to change as more becomes known.
@...Paul_Is_Drunk: I learned about the oxygen being the main source of oxygen in 6th grade science. I thought that was common knowledge. That’s partially why I don’t understand why people are freakin’ out about the state of our oceans. Global warming is nothing in comparison to killing our oceans.
the earth is coming out of a mini ice age(roughly 40,000 years), temps will increase a bit.
the earth is evolving without us. the planet doesn’t need saving, fucktards.
Isn’t it a bit grandiose to think that 200 years of industrial revolution can effect an entire planet?!
read ‘State of Fear’ by Michael Crighton. I know he’s a fiction writer, asshole. he bases his shit on science yo. it’s a great read just for what he wrote about eugenics.
hippie, emo, punk, nerd, dork, preppie… we all have a passion. you’re not special
@...the3g_ipwn: i don’t need to trust any scientist to know anything out of moderation is bad. you can test it out practically on anything in everyday life.
i lived in Alaska for 20 years. i learned one fact while up there- glaciers recede! because they are, in fact, rivers of ice. they constantly move- albeit slowly- MOST of the time. ever heard of a galloping glacier? sometimes they move very fast (for a glacier). receding glaciers is just part of nature- not a big sign on Al Gore’s fucking forehead warning of the end of the world. (a boring douche-bag loser who’s married to an insane cunt that wants you to listen to what she considers music).
i want more facts, more variables taken into consideration. here in Seattle we just had our fourth snow storm. we normally have one every other year. global warming? my ass.
now i’m going outside and empty a can of hairspray into the atmosphere… LOL
@...storminator: Uhm, you do know that global warming doesn’t just mean everything gets warmer, right? It means some areas are going to get more rain/snow, etc while the changes take place. I have a friend who lives in Arizona and it’s been snowing more and raining more this year and he thanks the global warming for it (don’t worry he’s a skeptic too).
I don’t really buy into any of it. I figure the way we’re treating out environment is bad. That we should be able to be productive and have fun, good lives without being so selfish and wasteful. Even if global warming isn’t as much of a problem as they claim it is, there are plenty of other issues forming that are going to bite us soon enough.
I don’t even care of the global warming thing is a conspiracy because it is making some people put a tiny bit of effort into doing better, being less wasteful, blah blah… People just won’t make changes for the right reasons, so they need to have the crap scared out of them… even then the majority won’t make very much adjustment because the reality hasn’t happened yet but there’s something to be said for preventative care.
@...outofocus: if I’m correct It’s last year or the year before it was an abnormal year for us in the Caribbean. Even thou it’s extremely rare but we haven’t had no hurricane season that year. i was astonish that it happen because every year we get something even if it’s a tropical depression. absolutely nothing happen for us but regions around the world where hurricanes are less likely to strike are being bombarded. Perfected drawing of the sea current is impossible but take this for example
hurricanes in our region are born in west Africa and proceed to channel towards the Caribbean. ofcourse you have to think on temperature, and wind. so basically you can see the shit storm we get. and from 2000+ we have been having an increase in hurricane strength due to the rise of temperature in the waters.
For example, 2005 was the most active hurricane season on record, and Atlantic water temperatures were the warmest, about 1.4 degrees above normal. That hurricane season set a new high with 28 storms and 13 hurricanes. Seven of the hurricanes were major storms.
now i would never say we are the sole cause of global warming but i do say that we part of
it. and I do hope global warming is a conspiracy because if it isn’t, when the time comes our great great great grandchilderen (figuratively speaking) will suffer.
i think i missed out on something lol, if i did i will add later.
@...MonkeyHitman: That shouldn’t be directed at me. I’m not a nay sayer, I’m just a skeptic. I hear everything said and just don’t feel like I have enough information. I’m not sure that the scientists have enough information if there is still so much debate on the subject.
@...outofocus: oh my bad, my intension’s were merely informing to anyone interested. forgot i had the tag there. yea you could say I’m skeptic on some things.
@...MonkeyHitman: you live in the caribbean?! wtf are you doin online? i might be in your neighborhood soon(cruise). mind a visit? tour guide would be nice.
‘now i would never say we are the sole cause of global warming but i do say that we part of
it. ‘ <— what would be another major factor?!
According to geological historians, the Earth has actually cooled over the last 5000 years. That’s right. The next iceage is with in 30,000 years. So take all those giant wind mills and put them in front of Al Gore. I’m sure he has enough hot air to power the world.
I can’t take this seriously because to me the bottom picture looks like some kind of dinosaur smiling.
Global warming…an overly emphasized event used by government to distract the masses.
@...the3g_ipwn: Actually we are still in an ice age.
@...DeFlandres: Oh god i see it too.
@...TrayShadix: I hope you are supporting my statement with that post.
“Treat the earth well.
It was not given to you by your parents,
it was loaned to you by your children.
We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors,
we borrow it from our Children.”
– Ancient Native American Proverb
@...the3g_ipwn: but the last ice age we wasn’t polluting as much as we are now so were just speeding up the process. but i see you don’t care cause by the time you will be dead so yea.
@...MonkeyHitman: No, I agree that we pollute too much. I also think that it has become big buisness. Like how Nanci Pelossi flew coast to coast 50 times in a G-V the last time congress was in secession.
You also have to understand that CO2 is plant food. It’s not all bad to be putting carbon dioxide in the air.
I think we, as consumers, can controll more pollution than government policies. If you don’t want to pollute, don’t buy plastic plates and spoons and cups for your next party. Drive a Yaris.
“The findings of the world’s scientists can be dismissed immediately by non-scientists, merely upon the discovery that Al Gore is fat.”
– Elvis Presley, 1935-1988
Distract from what?
@...the3g_ipwn: i know for a fact everything that’s not in moderations is not good. as long pollution is in moderation then it’s good.
@...MonkeyHitman: And you trust todays scientists as “known experts?”
“Nobody knows less about science than scientists. If you want the truth about science, ask someone on an anonymous web forum. Seriously, I’m a fucking idiot who doesn’t know shit.”
– Stephen Hawking, 1942 c.e. – 99XXx_a¥¤ v.c. (Vulcan calendar)
Am I the only one who sees that the second picture looks like a huge fucking improvement?
Oh no! There will be more water and more habitable land for the exploding population to migrate to! Fucking hell no!
ITT: No one will admit they have no idea what they are talking about.
Did anyone else here know that a vast majority (60-70%+) of our oxygen comes from sea algae? Of course not. Everyone assumes it comes from trees (which definitely help) but don’t go and do the actual research.
Everyone has an agenda, then goes and looks for evidence to support their views, ignoring all contradicting evidence.
The fact is that the average global temperature has risen 2* Celsius in the last 100 years. During the last ice age, the average temperature of the Earth was just 10* cooler. The world wasn’t a literal ball of ice like movies make it out to be. That’s how close we are.
Ah, whatever. Just like people during the plagues “knew” that it was cats that were causing it and killed them, people “know” that global warming doesn’t exist, because scientists are only right when they make big screen TVs or bigger trucks.
Maybe I should stick to Samus Aran picks so everyone can go back to jerking off to distract them from reality.
Exactly! Those species of animal dependent on certain temperature ranges and climate stability could use a tan once in a while.
I’ll even bet when there’s beach front property in Denver, you’ll hear a lot of whining, too. Oh boo hoo, you went from shoveling out feet of snow every winter to having the best property in a seller’s market! The horror, the horror!
@...HoChunk: North American Union, the Amero, the secret concentration camps across America for US citizens that would stand against the New World Order, the declining health care systems, the legality of natural health products hanging in the balance so as to have us solely dependent on artificial health products, the upcoming Web 2.0 which will force you to choose packages that include certain access to sites of your choice (Top 10 sites package, Top 20 sites package,etc.) to squeeze the extra dollar out of you, all in the name of “better internet security for you and your family”
Governments will use such things as global warming as a distraction, 9/11 is another distraction. Because you think a bunch of arabs organized themselves to fly planes into buildings? Heck no, the go ahead was given by Bush, who needed an excuse to bring about “The War on Terror”.
Disctraction: The nations citizens believe that all arabs are evil, suicidal, holy jihad crusaders who will strike at America with any chance they can. Meanwhile, giving the States a “reason” to invade. Whats in the middle east? Oil and lots of it.
On another note, was there weapons of mass destruction found to be had by Saddam? Negative. Because Bush had weapons of peace and love?
Global warming = Distraction. One of many.
That’s our world in a nutshell… IMHO.
Ignorant questions for ignorant people from ignorant people:
1- What proportion of the planet is unsuitable for life due to excessively low temperatures? What proportion is unsuitable for life due to excessively high temperature? (Hint: the problem in the Sahara is lack of water, not excessive heat.)
2- Of all the chemical components people dump into the air and water, which ones are the most dangerous, unnatural, and difficult to get rid of? (Hint: CO2 doesn’t even make the top ten of that list.)
@...Paul_Is_Drunk: what we’re not supposed to fap to glaciers…
Tetsuo137 is right. Global warming is a distraction by the global science community to prevent us from finding out the truth: that while Pop Rocks and Coke CAN’T kill you, Pop Rocks and RC cola CAN.
Fortunately, no one ever buys RC, let alone in conjunction with Pop Rocks, but soon the truth will be revealed, and Al Gore will be powerless to stop it…
@...Tetsuo137: I have to agree and there is PLENTY of evidence indicating that humans are not the ones causing it. Fight with me about it if you wish, but just remember. Nasa discovered that all the planets in our solar system are warming. Even pluto. As far as I know, humans don’t live there. whats worse, they will have a carbon tax on EVERYTHING. even livestock
@...Tetsuo137: Whoa dude, hold on there. Are you fucking serious? I enjoy crazy conspiracy theories about the NWO and stuff, but all that stuff you mentioned is just theoretical right now. Global warming is more of a distraction than 9/111. In fact 9/11 conspiracies are pure FUCKING BULLSHIT. Global warming presents a universal threat to all people of all races, faiths, and lifestyles. Terrorism poses a threat to uneducated people, palestinians and Israelis. Even al-quaeda said attacking the USA was a shitty idea. God man somebody has been hanging out on‘s NWO forum for too long.
It’s pretty funny when one of the original founders of greenpeace speaks out against the “green” environmentalist activist movement.
People never bother to look up how safe nuclear power is. You’ll almost never hear about how the US government and independent organizations have developed and tested containers that have withstood a train crashing into them at 100mph and exploding. You’ll never hear that the spent fuel rods can be recycled in a decently environmentally friendly manner. You’ll never hear that the average nuclear powerplant will not explode upon meltdown nor will it kill anyone near it. Nope all you hear is TSCHERNOBYL! THREE MILE ISLAND!THE SELLAFIELD BEACH INCIDENT! Both all of which represent some 400 operational reactors in the world. To top it off the technology is twice as stable and safe as it was in the 80’s and even the 90’s. But no, science is a bad thing unless you are using it to scare people.
@...Paul_Is_Drunk: I’ll admit it. When it comes down to it I have trust (more or less) the scientists that do the actual studies. Anything anyone else says is irrelevant. If the great majority of scientists say global climate change is not only inevitable but going on right now, I gotta go w/ them. Of course, it’s not an absolute belief and is subject to change as more becomes known.
@...thelotuseater725: TL:DR
@...Paul_Is_Drunk: @...Paul_Is_Drunk: TL:DR
@...Paul_Is_Drunk: I learned about the oxygen being the main source of oxygen in 6th grade science. I thought that was common knowledge. That’s partially why I don’t understand why people are freakin’ out about the state of our oceans. Global warming is nothing in comparison to killing our oceans.
… I did find this, which is interesting…
hrm, I deleted that last bit and yet… there it is. Stupid fingers.
hahaha, and my stupid typo in the first sentence. *bangs head against desk*
“the ocean being the main source of oxygen”
the earth is coming out of a mini ice age(roughly 40,000 years), temps will increase a bit.
the earth is evolving without us. the planet doesn’t need saving, fucktards.
Isn’t it a bit grandiose to think that 200 years of industrial revolution can effect an entire planet?!
read ‘State of Fear’ by Michael Crighton. I know he’s a fiction writer, asshole. he bases his shit on science yo. it’s a great read just for what he wrote about eugenics.
hippie, emo, punk, nerd, dork, preppie… we all have a passion. you’re not special
@...the3g_ipwn: i don’t need to trust any scientist to know anything out of moderation is bad. you can test it out practically on anything in everyday life.
i lived in Alaska for 20 years. i learned one fact while up there- glaciers recede! because they are, in fact, rivers of ice. they constantly move- albeit slowly- MOST of the time. ever heard of a galloping glacier? sometimes they move very fast (for a glacier). receding glaciers is just part of nature- not a big sign on Al Gore’s fucking forehead warning of the end of the world. (a boring douche-bag loser who’s married to an insane cunt that wants you to listen to what she considers music).
i want more facts, more variables taken into consideration. here in Seattle we just had our fourth snow storm. we normally have one every other year. global warming? my ass.
now i’m going outside and empty a can of hairspray into the atmosphere… LOL
@...storminator: Uhm, you do know that global warming doesn’t just mean everything gets warmer, right? It means some areas are going to get more rain/snow, etc while the changes take place. I have a friend who lives in Arizona and it’s been snowing more and raining more this year and he thanks the global warming for it (don’t worry he’s a skeptic too).
I don’t really buy into any of it. I figure the way we’re treating out environment is bad. That we should be able to be productive and have fun, good lives without being so selfish and wasteful. Even if global warming isn’t as much of a problem as they claim it is, there are plenty of other issues forming that are going to bite us soon enough.
I don’t even care of the global warming thing is a conspiracy because it is making some people put a tiny bit of effort into doing better, being less wasteful, blah blah… People just won’t make changes for the right reasons, so they need to have the crap scared out of them… even then the majority won’t make very much adjustment because the reality hasn’t happened yet but there’s something to be said for preventative care.
@...outofocus: if I’m correct It’s last year or the year before it was an abnormal year for us in the Caribbean. Even thou it’s extremely rare but we haven’t had no hurricane season that year. i was astonish that it happen because every year we get something even if it’s a tropical depression. absolutely nothing happen for us but regions around the world where hurricanes are less likely to strike are being bombarded. Perfected drawing of the sea current is impossible but take this for example
hurricanes in our region are born in west Africa and proceed to channel towards the Caribbean. ofcourse you have to think on temperature, and wind. so basically you can see the shit storm we get. and from 2000+ we have been having an increase in hurricane strength due to the rise of temperature in the waters.
now i would never say we are the sole cause of global warming but i do say that we part of
it. and I do hope global warming is a conspiracy because if it isn’t, when the time comes our great great great grandchilderen (figuratively speaking) will suffer.
i think i missed out on something lol, if i did i will add later.
@...MonkeyHitman: That shouldn’t be directed at me. I’m not a nay sayer, I’m just a skeptic. I hear everything said and just don’t feel like I have enough information. I’m not sure that the scientists have enough information if there is still so much debate on the subject.
@...outofocus: oh my bad, my intension’s were merely informing to anyone interested. forgot i had the tag there. yea you could say I’m skeptic on some things.
vamos vamos argentina
@...MonkeyHitman: you live in the caribbean?! wtf are you doin online? i might be in your neighborhood soon(cruise). mind a visit? tour guide would be nice.
‘now i would never say we are the sole cause of global warming but i do say that we part of
it. ‘ <— what would be another major factor?!
read ‘state of fear’!! goddamn hippies…
@...iamevilhomer: i was born and lived for 18 years of my live on my island of St.Maarten, unfortunatly i live in holland, college