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    *checks watch* about time …


    Don’t forget March 14th (i.e. today!) is a very special holiday: Steak & BJ Day


    Anybody else feeling mixed emotions? Not to sound ungrateful for the idea, but say they invented a vibrating tongue ring with a flavor packety cunnilinguard – you think men would have to learn their way around anymore? Drops the intimacy a bit.

    Might up the quality of a few flings, though.


    Can anyone attest to this being enjoyable?


    I knew a woman who had nicked a guy while giving him head on a futon. The futon pad had to be thrown out, there was so much blood on it. It looked like someone had died on it. I never met the guy she did this to (and I NEVER NEVER NEVER dated her), but I can imagine he would very much have liked her to have one of these devices.


    I don’t understand. Nicked? Is this something that happens a lot or what. Sounds kinda dumb to me. So they do it on purpose? Or not on purpose but it happens anyway? Er yeah, not that it’s important but this sounds more like a bad joke.


    If you are interested in buying this, someone is doing it wrong.


    dieAntagonista: It happens. Occasionally. By noobs. Or the nervous. Or drunk. Or high. Sometimes by accident. Sometimes on purpose by accident. Sometimes on purpose. Point is. It’s not fun. Unless the guy’s into that kinda thing. I think i’ve said too much…


    How the hell do you nick someone enough to cause major blood flow? My teeth aren’t that sharp and I use my teeth to graze ever so slightly…


    nyokki: Jaw muscle Spasm? Sneeze? *cringe* I gotta go watch a Disney movie nao…


    Dang, I’ve never done that…

    All I can say is that the advertising ploy for this is full of fail. While I enjoy giving pleasure to the other person, savoring the flavor is not part of it. Blech.


    Phyreblade: LOL
    I have gotten what I call “lock jaw” (painful for me, not hubby) a few times, but never a spasm or a sneeze I didn’t know was coming (pun intended).

    outofocus: Agreed. There’s a few things that he eats which can make him ‘taste’ bad (garlic, kippers), I’ve never noted anything that makes him ‘taste’ good..

    Alpha Harrison

    I heard Green Tea and Pineapple make the yoghurt shot taste better


    Alpha Harrison:
    Yes, actually I’ve read that also. If memory serves, fish, greens, garlic and onions are bad. However pineapples, and sweet citrus fruits are good…


    Alpha Harrison: Phyreblade: Well…that was fun trying to figure out what comment I had made to get those responses. I crack myself up sometimes. 🙂


    nyokki: LOL well I’m glad you are having fun… 🙂

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