AH. I see. So this is the infamous Zoetica… @...CathyLong: yeah, she does have this tinge of Latino pursuasion about her… part Mongolian? You can hardly tell… Of course she plasters make up on like she’s getting ready to auditioning for a part in Ringling, Barnum & Baileys, so it’s kind of hard to really see *what* she looks like under there…
Tits or GTFO
Russian? She looks Hispanic. Maybe its the ghetto makeup and collagen lips. She’s sorta cute either way.
Not unhot, under all the gack.
My sexual fantasy, this woman is a goddess.
Wait, wtf, that was supposed to be at Thora Birch.
This bitch looks like a typical “look@meh imscene” whore.
yatabah bah hoytchu lazahta……waybotch?
If the top one wasn’t so clumsily shoop’d, it’d be pretty nom.
She looks like a walking migraine.
@...CathyLong: need to get your eyes check lol with the 1st pic i can see it’s russian.
Not a thing like the Russians in my neighborhood. 😛 She looks more like the Mexicans back in Texas with that crap tattoo and the bad eyeliner.
I’m not saying her body isn’t hot, but her face looks too “dark”. Or is trying too hard to look dark.
She kind of looks hispanic, except for the pale white skin.
>9000 seconds in Google:
@...CathyLong: maybe my Hispanic eyes telling my likewise. either she looks really nice. and i’ve seen some of her photo’s and i like some allot.
Wipe the shit off her face and we’ll talk.
the first one is hot. The rest dont really attract my attention.
She’s kinda gnarly.
Looks like yet another emo attention whore to me.
AH. I see. So this is the infamous Zoetica…
@...CathyLong: yeah, she does have this tinge of Latino pursuasion about her… part Mongolian? You can hardly tell… Of course she plasters make up on like she’s getting ready to auditioning for a part in Ringling, Barnum & Baileys, so it’s kind of hard to really see *what* she looks like under there…
@...Phyreblade: Under there: http://www.flickr.com/photos/zoetica/2452488293/in/set-72157603639401018/
Goddess of biatches
@...vincent.ex2: Ah. much better… You know, I really love what mixed blood does to people…