Ackbar Vs Barack

Ackbar Vs Barack

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    I saw and no shitting of bricks.


    It’s a trap!


    It’s a part!


    Its a cart!


    It’s a carp!

    tiki god

    It’s a tarp!


    You ever notice that Barack and John Kerry have the same facial shape?

    Gary Generic

    It’s a tard!


    It’s a lard!


    It’s a fart!


    Im just stoked that some media outlet other than FOX news said something that might be considered negative towards Obama.



    what about john stewart?


    pantsoffdanceoff: The entire media is slanted. Some one way, some the other. What is really interesting, is that for the first time in a while, people actually seek opposing views. More libs are watching O’riely and Beck and, more conservatives are watching Brokov and King. To me, this is a sign that we may be, finally, moving in the right direction towards understanding one another.




    nobody knows: I only hope that you are a woman. It would be the first time a woman has ever referred to me as “giant dildo”


    the3g_ipwn: Erm no.


    it can be hugz tiem now plz?


    pantsoffdanceoff: It’s far too early to be judging Obama’s handling of the economy. This downturn didn’t happen in a day and it won’t be solved in one.—and don’t forget, he didn’t cause this fiasco. The man just took office two months ago. The first fair assessment is usually set at 100 days.


    the3g_ipwn: You didn’t just compare O’Reilly and Beck to Brokaw! There not even doing the same job. They don’t even have the same job title and description. On some other thread I said that this was going to become a problem w/ trying to get objective news. Beck and O’Reilly are political pundits and you would have been fine to compare them to Olbermann and Maddow, but Brokaw is a journalist. NOT THE SAME FUCKING THING GODDAMNIT! I don’t give a fuck about Larry King. I don’t know what he is, an interviewer maybe.
    It’s a FAP!


    nyokki: Beck and O’reily are journolists, weather you like it or not. Granted, if it were in print, they would be in the OP/ED section but, they research and oppine their findings. Just like the rest. They report the news as it suits them.


    the3g_ipwn: It terrifies me that you see it that way.


    ohh name games nice.


    nyokki: It terrifies me that you chose who is a journalist on the criteria that they support your views. It appals me that Jon Stewart was once considered the top political news source. I love Jon Stewart, but he’s a flippin comedian. Hell I’d like to see Katt Williams and George Carlin on a ticket, but it aint gonna happen(especially since the latter has passed on RIP).


    the3g_ipwn: What the hell are you talkin about? I compared 2 right-wing conservative political pundits to 2 left wing liberal political pundits. None of them are journalists. Tom Brokaw is a journalist. None of the others that you or I mentioned are. Where did Jon Stewart come from? Learn to fucking read carefully. Get it right. If you can’t do that then don’t bother…because I won’t.


    nyokki: I didn’t see you comparing anything except my statement to a pile of dogshit.


    the3g_ipwn: you best be trolling


    Holy shit, the3g_ipwn, are you fucking serious? Beck and O’Riley are actual journalists? They are, at BEST, fucking talking heads that parrot what their puppetmasters tell them to say. Comparing them to Jon Stewart is like comparing apples to a wet vac. You are trolling or at least i HOPE you are trolling. Either way you are an asshole or the most ignorant dogfucker since kidrythm. Damn. Damn, damn, damn.
    Shit, fuck, dammit. Retard.


    i still dont SEE IT and not shitting bricks. what are we supposed to see??



    Beck and O’Reilly are political pundits and you would have been fine to compare them to Olbermann and Maddow, but Brokaw is a journalist.

    L2 read.


    Bricks have been shat. Barack, Ackbar… Let me just put both in alphabetical order AABCKR. Lol. Both are comprised of the same letters.


    My sarcasm-sense is tingling…


    That brick was shat out sideways.


    Well at least we can be sure that Obama will know when it’s a trap, sans General Akbars help. And that’s a good thing.

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