world’s first “strong man.” When everybody else thought that lifting more than 5 pounds at a time could do permanent damage to muscles, this guy got into heavy lifting. Just read an article about it in the latest issue of Mental Floss.
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My goodness. What’s wrong with that fellow’s legs? It’s like… a train wreck… I can’t look away…
firstposting my account
I’m reminded of the two turn-of-the-century fellows from Family Guy.
He’s riding an ironing board? Then he isn’t much of a gentleman is he. Gentlemen? Riding an ironing board? Preposterous.
I love this picture! His body is so hairless and his moustache…my god, his mustache…
@...penguin_lady: Ditto. That is a fantastic mustache and he certainly has a fine body too. I’d hit, w/ or w/out an ironing board.
@...Phyreblade: Missing only the bowler.
I really like that sword he is holding.
Inb4 others making homosexuality joke in relation to the first sentence of this comment.
@...thelotuseater725: You’re such a homo. :<)
-“Gave him a cauliflower ear.”
Stock up on the moustache wax.
world’s first “strong man.” When everybody else thought that lifting more than 5 pounds at a time could do permanent damage to muscles, this guy got into heavy lifting. Just read an article about it in the latest issue of Mental Floss.
Thanks, I just had my first WTF moment of the day.
I want an ironing board that strong.
“When everybody else thought that lifting more than 5 pounds at a time could do permanent damage to muscles…”
Cinderblock-sized WTF shitbrick.
Indeed. Can’t life 5 lbs? I’m guessing there was a reason why guys wore wigs and dressed like girls back in the day…
I just realized he’s got a stirrup thing going there.
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