i was about to say the same: i keep seeing these “cosplays” of birdo that are chicks and that is just a big pile of fail… canonically/nerdily speaking, i guess.
i guess the lucky part about only reading MCS and not 4chan or any other subversive internet messages boards is that this is the first time i’ve seen cosplay birdo.
the bad part is that my brain won’t ever heal.
@...Billy Manic: Well in japan birdo was a guy, here in america they made him a chick or they were ambiguous about it. Either way canonoically speaking it would make sense for it to be a guy in that suit. But being the flaming heterosexual i am i would be very dissapointed if that was a guy. Nice legs if it is a guy, has me fooled
@...penguin_lady: Well, no one said cosplay had to be sexy. I’m guessing this cosplayer has friends who wear Mario costumes. I hope those aren’t sexy either.
Do note that in the game, Birdo ovulates at high velocity from her “oral” cavity. Therefore, one could appropriately call her “fuck face” and likewise, all of her vocalizations should be classifed as queefs. Remember this next time you play Mario Kart.
don’t let that plumber get in your crack!
Do not want.
An internet classic.
Recognizable Birdo cosplay: +10
Shitty looking costume: -9000
In the words of Horse the Band:
god i hope that is a woman
@...thelotuseater725: It would make sense if it was a guy.
Because Birdo is.
Everytime I see the Birdo character in any form I think, DSL. EVERYTIME!
Whosie whats?
Looks like a guy
Feed the pig.
@...Billy Manic:
i was about to say the same: i keep seeing these “cosplays” of birdo that are chicks and that is just a big pile of fail… canonically/nerdily speaking, i guess.
i guess the lucky part about only reading MCS and not 4chan or any other subversive internet messages boards is that this is the first time i’ve seen cosplay birdo.
the bad part is that my brain won’t ever heal.
@...Billy Manic: Well in japan birdo was a guy, here in america they made him a chick or they were ambiguous about it. Either way canonoically speaking it would make sense for it to be a guy in that suit. But being the flaming heterosexual i am i would be very dissapointed if that was a guy. Nice legs if it is a guy, has me fooled
Does anyone really find this sexy? It creeps the hell out of me. It looks like it should be Q*Bert’s girlfriend.
Great mouth for sucking.
@...penguin_lady: Well, no one said cosplay had to be sexy. I’m guessing this cosplayer has friends who wear Mario costumes. I hope those aren’t sexy either.
Do note that in the game, Birdo ovulates at high velocity from her “oral” cavity. Therefore, one could appropriately call her “fuck face” and likewise, all of her vocalizations should be classifed as queefs. Remember this next time you play Mario Kart.