Whenever my kitteh is in a car he tends to shuffle around and meow a lot. Therefore going with him on any short little excursion is an exercise in mental patience.
My cats are always stuffed in carriers where they yowl… but considering the fact that my cats are very good at dismantling and breaking things… I prefer to keep them in the carrier.
This image made me lol.
I’d move. Kitteh looks pretty pissed.
Whenever my kitteh is in a car he tends to shuffle around and meow a lot. Therefore going with him on any short little excursion is an exercise in mental patience.
My cats are always stuffed in carriers where they yowl… but considering the fact that my cats are very good at dismantling and breaking things… I prefer to keep them in the carrier.
Dirty! Me needs to work on my html…
@...penguin_lady: lmao!
I swear I say those exact words at least once a week.
My favorite:
@...Phyreblade: lol cute