poor ducks.
That comic is awesome
@...Namelis1: O_O at your UID!
Loop da’ loop.
@...TunaFish: *cough* back in my days son, the internet ran on a 486 with the best upgrades a man could buy *cough* *cough*. Damn kids with their rickyrollers and your tubes.
@...Namelis1: I’m not impressed.
I am. ;<)
@...nyokki: Me too.
Well that’s ’cause you’re a bunch of fools.
The day an odd number becomes impressive, the rivers will run dry and stars are going to fall from the sky.
@...dieAntagonista: As it turns out, that just happened here last week. We had a falling star and the small river is currently dry. So there. 😛
@...dieAntagonista: Wait? Odd number?
@...nyokki: I don’t think she means odd number as in odd/even, I think she means in the connotation that many Americans use the word “random.”
If not: Wait? Odd number?
@...dieAntagonista: @...RSIxidor: He has a very low UID, The lowest one I have seen infact. nothing odd about the number in particular.
@...TunaFish: I have seen the lowest. Tiki makes comments too, you know.
And yes I meant odd as in odd/ even. His number is odd.
See, when one manages to confuse the smartest woman on the site, that’s how you recognise a specialist.
@...dieAntagonista: well obviously I meant other than tiki ¬_¬
@...TunaFish: all hail female jesus!
poor ducks.
That comic is awesome
@...Namelis1: O_O at your UID!
Loop da’ loop.
@...TunaFish: *cough* back in my days son, the internet ran on a 486 with the best upgrades a man could buy *cough* *cough*.
Damn kids with their rickyrollers and your tubes.
@...Namelis1: I’m not impressed.
I am. ;<)
@...nyokki: Me too.
Well that’s ’cause you’re a bunch of fools.
The day an odd number becomes impressive, the rivers will run dry and stars are going to fall from the sky.
@...dieAntagonista: As it turns out, that just happened here last week. We had a falling star and the small river is currently dry. So there. 😛
@...dieAntagonista: Wait? Odd number?
I don’t think she means odd number as in odd/even, I think she means in the connotation that many Americans use the word “random.”
If not:
Wait? Odd number?
@...dieAntagonista: @...RSIxidor: He has a very low UID, The lowest one I have seen infact. nothing odd about the number in particular.
@...TunaFish: I have seen the lowest. Tiki makes comments too, you know.
And yes I meant odd as in odd/ even. His number is odd.
See, when one manages to confuse the smartest woman on the site, that’s how you recognise a specialist.
@...dieAntagonista: well obviously I meant other than tiki ¬_¬
@...TunaFish: all hail female jesus!