The K9 above is Brutus, a military K9 at McChord. He\’s huge – part Boxer and part British Bull Mastiff and tops the scales at 200 lbs. His handler took the picture. Brutus is running toward me because he knows I have some Milk Bone treats, so he\’s slobbering away! I had to duck around a tree just before he got to me in case he couldn\’t stop, but he did. Brutus won the Congressional Medal of Honor last year from his tour in Iraq . His handler and four other soldiers were taken hostage by insurgents. Brutus and his handler communicate by sign language and he gave Brutus the signal that meant \’go away but come back and find me\’. The Iraqis paid no attention to Brutus. He came back later and quietly tore the throat out of one guard at one door and another guard at another door. He then jumped against one of the doors repeatedly (th e guys were being held in an old warehouse) until it opened. He went in and untied his handler and they all escaped. He\’s the first K-9 to receive this honor. If he knows you\’re ok, he\’s a big old lug and wants to sit in your lap. Enjoys the company of cats.
Holy shit, that is one badass dog.
Old e-mail hoax is old.
There have been 2 medal of honor receipients in the Iraq War. No animal has ever received the nations highest honor for going above and beyond the call of duty.
@...njch412: Call of Duty4 or COD5?
Dogs don’t like cats, that was the first clue.
Anyway, that dog doesn’t look like an english mastiff or a bull mastiff.
@...greenie: That was the last clue, actually. The first is trained K9 units don’t run at people who are holding treats.
I’m here to tell you that dogs DO like cats, and cats like dogs too.
I have two of each, and they’re always cuddling and cleaning each other, leaving me out of the love loop 🙁
Cool picture, but the story is retarded. Jumped against the door? lol. I think insurgents would have heard that right? Cute picture though.
It’s also just called the Medal of Honor.
@...tiki god: This is probably for the best, Tiki.
Dog is win but story is fail.
“he gave Brutus the signal that meant ‘go away but come back and find me’.”
Come back? When? Later? Dogs have no concept of time. Ever see one wearing a wristwatch? No. And no, they don’t use the position of the sun either, because we all know that dogs can’t look up.
Further proof:
“Einstein, being a dog, is “completely unaware that anything happened” and happily goes back into Doc’s truck, unharmed.”
Not to mentioned that the handler gave the hand signal after being taken hostage, however the dog needed to UNTIE him.
@...tiki god : lol, they know you all to well
Exactly how does a dog UNTIE someone, anyway? While I will acknowledge that there are some DAMN smart dogs out there, I’ve never seen a dog with the manual dexterity it takes to untie a knotted rope. Chew, sure. Slobber all over, without a doubt. But UNTIE? Not so much. Unless this dog has opposable thumbs that are not seen in the photo.
In other news, I have to side with Shaun on this one. Dogs CAN look up!
Xzibit frowns upon your shenanigans:
@...dieAntagonista: source? it’s either 2 things i want to do tonight go start a big flame war in your group of i hate hip-hop or start a flame war with this guy
It’s a screenshot of Xzibit’s twitter. I found it on this guy’s tumblr:
Kinda funny that celebrities like him actually notice things like that right?
Haha, and I’m in the I hate Hip Hop group just for the lulz. You have to be part of the group in order to make posts. I doubt the owner will accept you, it’s easy to tell from looking at your page that you like Hip Hop. I applied a bunch of times already, he always rejected me. But all of the sudden he accepted. I think it’s because I got mainly not so well known underground rapper on my page. What an idiot.
But you should join the Hip Hop Kills Babies group. Do it. Do it now.
Haha oh you got it all wrong. The link I posted is a picture of a profile Xzibit HIMSELF made. Yo, he is seriously pissed. ;_;
i joined the group but it’s so boring. i want to join your group, see how fast i can get banned from those immature metalheads. but really am just bored. and you don’t give me no more ideas of things to do so yea. pfff
Actually, this dog has been fed gun powder.
Little known secret. This dog was bred by the Batman and genetically altered for super intelligence and strength. It can change color and everything…