Childhood Friends

Childhood Friends.jpg (138 KB)

I remember my friends, sadly, they were my pet rocks 🙁

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    One day you too could grow up to enslave humanity!


    i don’t get it, but it’s fucking awesome.


    heh. This is kewl.


    one day… will we remember? One day.. bathrooms for flesh only… tissue bags on the back of the bus… We won’t be picking cotton we will be pumping oil… oil the life blood of the world right now will be the blood of the future race.. Will we remember?! WILL WE?!!?


    Although the “My Buddy” Model 3.1 was a technological success, its counter part “Kid Sister” Model 3.2 had unforeseen consequences. The psychological effect it had on young girls by creating a new standard in Skinny. Rates of Anorexia and Bulimia skyrocketed after the first models were released. “Friend Pals” Co. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and was later purchased by Skynet Industries.


    It’s that Polaroid-era color-washout (for lack of a better description) that really makes it work. Win.


    that and the awesome acid wash jeans…


    This comment is probably the best one I’ve read here in quite some time. I tip my hat to you, sir.




    Classic post.


    Could only be more win if the skinny kid in the middle had a Members Only jacket on.


    Does the robot grow?


    Oh Come on!! Obviously this pic has been photoshoped, Can’t you tell from the pixels?? Jesus Criminy, I give up.


    Dreth: No, it just gets it’s parts replaced with larger one at regular service intervals… 🙂


    cylon model 1.0


    How old do these kids look? I bet they are 12…kids 12 nowadays are doing meth and having sex.

    Kids should be enjoying childhood and BE KIDS

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