@...suicydking: Hell, if a Mad Cat could match a Warhound, those enginseers would kill trillions of people to get their hands on one.
I think the jump jets would give the mech an advantage though.
I used to have a mech I called the Blackjack… AutoCannon-20 on a 55 ton mech, a fast mover with a hell of a punch.
My other favourite was one I called the Shrapnel, an anti-infantry mech covered with a crapload of machine guns… Wicked close range damage, with no heat buildup.
It was great until they introduced those blasted Elementals that were immune to machine guns. 🙁
Thinking… That was about 15 years ago… Damn I feel old. Of course, when we were gaming we had onions tied to our belts, since that was the style at the time.
vanvelding (#4765)
16 years ago
@...SirWishbone: Yeah it has been a while. Elementals aren’t immune to machine guns, they just take a few more hits than regular infantry with them (alright 1 elemental can take about as much machine gun fire as…21 unarmored infantrymen).
They are beautiful machines though, no matter what you load them out with.
The Techpriests of Mars would kill trillions of people to get their hands on this.
I know its a different universe but I just find it funny.
I prefer Black Knight.
@...Zasz: I don’t know about that, but that would be a good match for a Warhound…
@...suicydking: Hell, if a Mad Cat could match a Warhound, those enginseers would kill trillions of people to get their hands on one.
I think the jump jets would give the mech an advantage though.
I used to have a mech I called the Blackjack… AutoCannon-20 on a 55 ton mech, a fast mover with a hell of a punch.
My other favourite was one I called the Shrapnel, an anti-infantry mech covered with a crapload of machine guns… Wicked close range damage, with no heat buildup.
It was great until they introduced those blasted Elementals that were immune to machine guns. 🙁
Thinking… That was about 15 years ago… Damn I feel old. Of course, when we were gaming we had onions tied to our belts, since that was the style at the time.
@...SirWishbone: Yeah it has been a while. Elementals aren’t immune to machine guns, they just take a few more hits than regular infantry with them (alright 1 elemental can take about as much machine gun fire as…21 unarmored infantrymen).
They are beautiful machines though, no matter what you load them out with.
Madcats FTW.