LOL I played the hell outta that game back in the I have teh Vista and it keeps on only solace is that Tribes 1 still works..but ya haven to find someone with a master server for Dynamics no longer supports the game
Yep, also played the hell out of this game. Construction mod was immensely amusing…nothing like building a box filled with max-power jump pads on every available space.
Everyone who wants Tribes 2: Source, raise your hands.
Awesome game, awesome soundtrack, awesome mods…had a blast with it back in the day!
pity vengeance was such a flop, it had potential
I played the HELL outta this back in the day. God what I’d give for something similar today!
You can still play tribes 2 for free!
Thanks for that, thatll eat up at least the next 2 weeks of gaming for me
aww man I loved Tribes 2. Such an awesome game if only they hadnt screwed up the next one making it some crappy crapfest
I had this on the PS2 and was amazed how it was one of the firt titles to support Online. It worked very well too.
Yeah, I remember playing this online when it FIRST came out. Great damn game. Shit…now I have to go find it…this and Total Annihilation.
I loved kamikazing ships into enemy encampments.
I enjoyed going on bomb runs and being the bombardier.
LOL I played the hell outta that game back in the I have teh Vista and it keeps on only solace is that Tribes 1 still works..but ya haven to find someone with a master server for Dynamics no longer supports the game
@...MadMutant: try right click the exe file and run compatability as windows xp.
in properties somewhere
fucking love this game. I wish it hadn’t been so buggy at the beginning and lose a lot of people. The mods and graphics, SICK!
Yep, also played the hell out of this game. Construction mod was immensely amusing…nothing like building a box filled with max-power jump pads on every available space.
Everyone who wants Tribes 2: Source, raise your hands.
I played the HELL out of the demo of the one where you have the grappling hook and you can hook onto ships.
Best game *EVER* made.
/pours one out