You have made a very powerful enemy today. No seriously. You made that comment just for me, isn’t that right. Who cares if she’s prettier than Angelina. Don’t compare women in their prime to women who are much older. Wrah.
16 years ago
Never mind. Apparently Salma is older than her. Either way, at least Jolie knows how to act, and has been in much greater films.
lol i could never be an enemy to such a person like you but i had no intension to start anything. I don’t hate jolie. but i prefer hayek more. It’s a psychological ethnicity thing.
lakov_sanite (#5082)
16 years ago
“Either way, at least Jolie knows how to act” first laugh of the day, thanks!
Have you seen Changeling? Hey guess what, if Clint motherfucking Eastwood wants you in his film, and says that you’re a terrific actress, I guess the rumours must be true to at least some extent.
16 years ago
You people just don’t understand. I’m very loyal. And a die hard Angelina fan.
Tomb Raider was the first 3D game I have ever played.
Then the film exposed me to the great William Blake.
Angelina was the reason for my first bisexual fantasies.
This woman is the reason for a lot of first loves for me.
nuh uh you don’t have no authority yet to seal my faith without giving me a chance to make my voice be heard. Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, not even you “female jesus” can initiate this act. 🙂
THIS still bugs the shit out of me. Alba is hot and young. I always wonder what it must do to someone’s ego to not be pretty enough to avoid the PS-Lipo.
Maybe it’s just all the gay men and jealous women who work in fashion… They are scared of curves.
I was just watching her on 30 Rock. I know all the pictures are photoshopped, and she’s got a lot of makeup on when she’s on film, but she’s still hot.
Angelina is hotter than any ten Hollywood stars put together. But Salma was in From Dusk Till Dawn. And that part, just the dance she does, is HOTTTT!
@...CathyLong: it’s not about the gay men and jealous women who work in fashion. it’s that the world demands perfection. stupidly they know it would not happen but they still want to feed there alternate ego fantasies. sure is nice, but when in comparing with reality they really are shocked and put in awe. and they feel sad about it. thats the flaw. I’m a man who seek perfection in imperfection. meaning? i’m aware that women never would really look as good when photoshop comes into work. that why i’m happy and satisfied to accept and love imperfection.
To love imperfection will lead to a perfect me every women is perfect in a different way. that what’s make them unique & thats why i’m addicted to women lol.
When I first saw Salma in Deperado, I thought she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. I’ve also thought that about Alba, Jolie, Kathleen Turner and Zeta-Jones. There are some very beautiful women out there, PS’d or not.
I don’t see it as the world demanding perfection. I think it really starts with advertising–happy consumers who are content with the way they look don’t buy as many products. Has anyone read Fight Club?
Anyway, Salma is teh sex. I’m straight and even I would motorboat that for hours.
Nom fukkken NOM!
i love accent, i love her looks, i love her personality, Salma Hayek>Angelina Jolie.
there is no women in this world or multiple women that can match the sheer greatness of salma hayek & Penélope Cruz
I love the fact that she is on 30 Rock. she hasn’t been in too many films lately and when I was younger, Desperado was as good as it got…
I just lifted my keyboard tray.
Still the world’s sexiest woman.
Now she is a tasty woman.
Holy shit that’s hot
Tiki, i think we need a salma theme day
I need some new jeans, these ones are .. um.. messy
I need a new desk.
Judging from the smaller economy size of her always impressive rack, this photo is pre-pregnancy…
4/5. Too much shirt.
She thinks her baby can see ghosts.
You have made a very powerful enemy today. No seriously. You made that comment just for me, isn’t that right. Who cares if she’s prettier than Angelina. Don’t compare women in their prime to women who are much older. Wrah.
Never mind. Apparently Salma is older than her. Either way, at least Jolie knows how to act, and has been in much greater films.
Yeah I’m just bitter. Flame away.
lol i could never be an enemy to such a person like you but i had no intension to start anything. I don’t hate jolie. but i prefer hayek more. It’s a psychological ethnicity thing.
“Either way, at least Jolie knows how to act” first laugh of the day, thanks!
Angelina Jolie + Selma Hayek + Penelope Cruz + ME.
@...ColombianMonkey: Too late. Your fate is sealed.
Have you seen Changeling? Hey guess what, if Clint motherfucking Eastwood wants you in his film, and says that you’re a terrific actress, I guess the rumours must be true to at least some extent.
You people just don’t understand. I’m very loyal. And a die hard Angelina fan.
Tomb Raider was the first 3D game I have ever played.
Then the film exposed me to the great William Blake.
Angelina was the reason for my first bisexual fantasies.
This woman is the reason for a lot of first loves for me.
nuh uh you don’t have no authority yet to seal my faith without giving me a chance to make my voice be heard. Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, not even you “female jesus” can initiate this act. 🙂
@...dieAntagonista: You don’t say.
@...dieAntagonista: That’s really sexy.
Don’t worry. Remember everything is photoshopped and airbrushed in every picture of everyone.
Ever. :*
Haha that’s the best thing I’ve heard all day. Although I had some conductor grunt at me today, I guess that was his thank you, but besides that…
@...Puulaahi: Truth is sexy by default.
Haha. Aw. Was that a, it’s all going to be alright – kiss? Thank you.
@...dieAntagonista: just doing my part ^^
@...CathyLong: sadly yea. :\
@...dieAntagonista: don’t forget even jolie is photoshoped 😛 😛
The truth in this thread has got me wishing I were not at work.
THIS still bugs the shit out of me. Alba is hot and young. I always wonder what it must do to someone’s ego to not be pretty enough to avoid the PS-Lipo.
Maybe it’s just all the gay men and jealous women who work in fashion… They are scared of curves.
I was just watching her on 30 Rock. I know all the pictures are photoshopped, and she’s got a lot of makeup on when she’s on film, but she’s still hot.
I mean, it’s not like I’m going to see her in real life, right? For all intents and purposes to me, this is what she really looks like.
Angelina is hotter than any ten Hollywood stars put together. But Salma was in From Dusk Till Dawn. And that part, just the dance she does, is HOTTTT!
Before Sin City, that was the only hot movie dance I can even remember. 🙂
@...CathyLong: it’s not about the gay men and jealous women who work in fashion. it’s that the world demands perfection. stupidly they know it would not happen but they still want to feed there alternate ego fantasies. sure is nice, but when in comparing with reality they really are shocked and put in awe. and they feel sad about it. thats the flaw. I’m a man who seek perfection in imperfection. meaning? i’m aware that women never would really look as good when photoshop comes into work. that why i’m happy and satisfied to accept and love imperfection.
To love imperfection will lead to a perfect me every women is perfect in a different way. that what’s make them unique & thats why i’m addicted to women lol.
that’s what *
aww… your imperfect typos made you endearing. 🙂
@...Annarchy: I love you.
Aw. Love you too.
All the girl on girl love in this thread is making me wish I was not at work.
@...CathyLong: hehe
@...RSIxidor: *facepalm*
When I first saw Salma in Deperado, I thought she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. I’ve also thought that about Alba, Jolie, Kathleen Turner and Zeta-Jones. There are some very beautiful women out there, PS’d or not.
I don’t see it as the world demanding perfection. I think it really starts with advertising–happy consumers who are content with the way they look don’t buy as many products. Has anyone read Fight Club?
Anyway, Salma is teh sex. I’m straight and even I would motorboat that for hours.
Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap
That is all.
OK, usually I dont do this, but for a greater good: