Haha nah, photoshopdisasters always has some good stuff. I know the first two pictures look shooped, but the third one – not so much. But it’s gross nevertheless. I mean I do like snakes, but not in the toilet ready to insert hell knows what into my butt.
And I was recently teaching my cat how to use the toilet. Forget that idea!
16 years ago
@...GorillaMunch: The crazy ones are the best. And this one was very charismatic, great voice. I could imagine having significant discussions with her about politics. And she’d raise her voice every time we disagree and wave her arms around a lot. It would be amazing.
@...dieAntagonista: oh snap im not the only troll. Well, I’ll agree, French girls are best. But im not sure about the afformentioned one.
16 years ago
@...GorillaMunch: I do find pleasure in the art of trolling as well. And yea I know, I guess most people would find her too, hm what’s the word, dominant?
Also, I didn’t say anything about French girls, just that I like crazy haha. But the accent is definitely a huge plus.
@...dieAntagonista: J’aime la langue française, mais ils n’ont pas l’habitude de gesticuler beaucoup. Ils vont se moquer des Italiens, parce-qu’ils utilisent leurs mains chaque fois qu’ils parlent.
That was sexy. I mean French is nice, but an American who can speak it – sweet mamma.
Yes I do know about the Italians beings the ones who can truly speak with their hands, but the woman in that video looked like she is that kind of person as well. I haven’t been to France yet, but I wanna see that for myself. Silly French people. Shouldn’t be making fun of anyone.
These are the first pictures on this site that seriously gross me out. I feel sick to my stomach. Eugh.
You must have a really low tolerance for bad photoshop jobs…you best stay away from photoshopdisasters, you’ll barf up a lung.
It happens.
I would not be entirely amused but I would take pictures.
@...outofocus: Eek! And that woman was hot. The French one.
Haha nah, photoshopdisasters always has some good stuff. I know the first two pictures look shooped, but the third one – not so much. But it’s gross nevertheless. I mean I do like snakes, but not in the toilet ready to insert hell knows what into my butt.
@...dieAntagonista: How can you love a crazy french woman? She had a snake in her toilet! I’ll bet she put it in there to get some attention.
oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck
And I was recently teaching my cat how to use the toilet. Forget that idea!
@...GorillaMunch: The crazy ones are the best. And this one was very charismatic, great voice. I could imagine having significant discussions with her about politics. And she’d raise her voice every time we disagree and wave her arms around a lot. It would be amazing.
I’d shit in the sink
@...dieAntagonista: oh snap im not the only troll. Well, I’ll agree, French girls are best. But im not sure about the afformentioned one.
@...GorillaMunch: I do find pleasure in the art of trolling as well. And yea I know, I guess most people would find her too, hm what’s the word, dominant?
Also, I didn’t say anything about French girls, just that I like crazy haha. But the accent is definitely a huge plus.
@...GorillaMunch: The French are such media whores.
@...dieAntagonista: J’aime la langue française, mais ils n’ont pas l’habitude de gesticuler beaucoup. Ils vont se moquer des Italiens, parce-qu’ils utilisent leurs mains chaque fois qu’ils parlent.
That was sexy. I mean French is nice, but an American who can speak it – sweet mamma.
Yes I do know about the Italians beings the ones who can truly speak with their hands, but the woman in that video looked like she is that kind of person as well. I haven’t been to France yet, but I wanna see that for myself. Silly French people. Shouldn’t be making fun of anyone.
Call Samuel L. Jackson!
Holy Shit – I dont remember eating THAT last night!
i love that accent, and holy shit cakes colonel-yum-yum time to make a shoop for this *installing photoshop*
HEY! That’s my hammer! How did it get there? I don’t recall this party…
LMAO @... “And then we flush!”
@...ColombianMonkey: To the shoopmobile!
I love the conclusion.
@...colonel-yum-yum: http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb8/djrhymez/piranhas.jpg something like this xD
God damn! What the hell are people eating if they are shitting snakes out?
In Guam, there actually are an invasive brown snake that (in addition to ravaging the local ecology) seems to find its’ way into people’s plumbing.
No one? Really? Okay, fine.
I’d hit it…with a sledgehammer.
@...dekay46: THIS.
Well that’s not what I would have done but… C’est la vie…
@...dieAntagonista: Yeah, I loved her accent too… Perhaps wouldn’t find the arm waving all that great, but having a conversation would be tres cool…
@...RSIxidor: LOL I burst out laughing at that part too…
We could call this one “Snakes while you strain”
Worst log ever.
@...colonel-yum-yum: LOL Yo Dawg, I herd u like…
wait… No…
I’m letting this one go… I’ll only be reserving myself a special suite in hades if I continue…