Awesome Field Trip!!!

SchoolBusSexShow.jpg (32 KB)

…and did you see the price of gas??? HOLY SHIT!

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    damn those gas prices.


    Best field trip ever!!!


    And that price is full service too!


    Who paints there car that colour? What is it, vomit green?


    thats called dark beige


    Don’t forget to have your parents sign the wavier kiddies.


    I love these typical American school buses. I always felt like I missed out big time, because I never got to ride in one.


    What do Austrian school buses look like?



    Pretty fucking lame. They don’t even write school bus on the side or anywhere else. Here, the school buses are from the postal service, for some illogical reason. So it says post bus on the side. But they have mostly just kids in them.

    Like so:


    That bus looks much more high tech than the general American school bus.


    Well at least we have professionals taking care of Sex Ed…



    Which is exactly why I prefer the American ones. All things retro and vintage rule, don’t you get it. Argh. You’re in a place full of heavenly things (minus the food) and you don’t even realise it.


    We live in a land of excess. I had to go to a “Ross” yesterday for a friend. I realized immediately that the excess of America disgusts me. The whole store operates by selling overstocked clothing, or factory seconds. A well-tuned society should not have such excess. GAH

    Mor OT: I do like really old school buses. Especially when you’re twelve and you and your friends find a rusty one in an empty field and it becomes your bunker for all eternity until you forget where it is AKA the next week.



    But America isn’t the only place where it’s like that. I think I could deal with the things you mentioned. Although I guess the perfect American time era is already over. For me anyway. I think around 1920, that’s when I would have loved to live in America. But it’s still phenomenal. It’s the little things, like road signs, English names, the buildings, and other things I can’t think of right now. Basically, you could show me a picture of any ‘typical’ place in America and I’d start daydreaming almost instantly. Your country looks like a big surreal film to someone like me. And I’m in mad love with surreal films.


    RSIxidor: I think you may be looking at it the wrong way. Excess, in an of itself, is not inherently bad. That is simply a natural byproduct of a strong industrial complex.

    The truly abhorrent thing about America is the waste. How we fritter away all of the resources we have. We have so much and waste a ridiculous percentage of it. And then we complain about not having enough. If we, as a country, had our heads on straight, we’d be able to live, in decadence, I might add, on half of what we currently produce…

    That is the part I find incredibly irritating.


    Phyreblade: Funny, I feel the same way about Austria. Except the 1920 part.


    dieAntagonista: I’d take you to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. Can’t get anymore American than that.


    deuce: You meant me right? Is that really true? That’s incredible. Most people think it’s weird. I guess Austria can seem that way too, to people from elsewhere.


    It’s so gorgeous, it’s almost painful.

    Alpha Harrison

    If you people wanted to ride to mandatory education in style, you should have come to school in England, double-decker like a motherfucker


    Alpha Harrison:

    It is actually a dream of mine. I also want to see the “park” that’s in 28 Weeks later. I bet its not really even over there.


    Alpha Harrison: Dream of mine too since I was 5 yrs of age. Must see Trefaulger Square, British Museum, HMS Victory…etc.


    Totally fucking worth it (except the square). London is infinity times better than I ever dreamed it would be and I came in with pretty high expectations.


    Thought this was from the movie “Bachelor Party” at first.
    dieAntagonista: I don’t think you want to go to school on that bus. The short bus is reserved for the “special” kids. I was one of them for about two days and a whole lot of getting into fights. Got kicked off the bus and had to ride a bike to school after that….

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