The Tiki Web Group

Just so you all know, I have plenty of other sites besides MCS:

Choose Your own Adventures [Visit] Kinda like the books you remember, but worse.
Comic Covers [Visit] Covers of comic books
Comic Images [Visit] Images from comic books.  Submit your own!
*Dirty Limerick [Visit] A different dirty limerick every day.  Submit your own!
*Internet-D [Visit] Internet discussion.  Start a Discussion!
*My Confined Space [Visit] Random Image Blog.  Submit your own!
Please Link Me [Visit] Kidna like tinyURL but better worse
*Random Nude [Visit] Random Nudity.  Submit your own!
Secret Files & Origins [Visit] Comic Book Character bios
*Star Trek Book Club [Visit] Unofficial Star Trek Book Club
*Star Wars Book Club [Visit] Unofficial Star Wars Book Club
*Tallahassee Informer [Visit] Information about the great city I live in
*Zoom Comics [Visit] Comic book wallpapers.  Submit your own!

So why am I telling you about all the fine weak ass sites that are part of the Tiki Web Group?  I just filed my USA Taxes for 2008.  Let me tell you, I owe the IRS nearly $2,000 bucks.  Yes, perhaps I should have saved money during 2008, but I didn’t realize how well the tiki web group was doing in terms of income.  Now I’m kinda stuck with a Federal bill that’s going to hamper my drinking spending power for the next few months unless I make some serious cash over the next couple weeks.  And rather then beg for money and have to deal with the reporting that begging entails, I’d rather enhance the page views of all the sites that fall under the TWG banner.  I’m sure that there’s suggestions that need/could be made for any of the above sites, so feel free to make them in the comments.

Want to donate to the TWG?  Don’t.  It’s a tax burden headache to process individual donations, so just visit the sites above, visit some of the sponsors, and wish me luck.

I’ve added a page to the Tiki Web Group’s homepage that has all of the latest and greatest posts on it, so if you’re going to bookmark one website today, let it be this one page.

As always, your login for MCS will work for any other site in the TWG. Sorta.  All the wordpress sites at least.  They’re the ones with the [*] before their names.  I’m trying to find a good solution so that your login will work everywhere, but damn that’s a lot of coding, and we know how well Tiki goes at coding, right?

Also: I’m thinking of a MCS contest for a new logo for MCS.  what you think?

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    JESUS FUCKING CHRIST did you catch them with pokeballs?


    tiki has mucho websites


    MCS could use a new image/slogan/tagline/something. Alas, I’m terrible at things.


    Submit your own!


    C’mon… Goldman Sachs, GM, Chrysler & all the others need that $2K. They have bonuses to pay!!! Don’t be soooo cheap. If you don’t chip in your share some banker has to go without new cuff links or some shit. Geez. Selfish or what.


    tiki god:
    Tikigod: A term used for one who is slowly, drunkenly and surely taking over the internet.


    Can’t U avoid like all the Bushies?? Get a good accountant, lawyer or some other white collar criminal… There’s a few out there since the downsizing. Madoff has to have shed a few since they’ve all lost in the Ponzi scheme. Check the yellow pages. I have a plan “B” in case that doesn’t work. Let me know.

    Joeseph Goebbels

    Stop paying for websites no one wants to go on.

    That might save some cash. Srsly “Adams Aquariums “

    Luke Magnifico

    Joeseph Goebbels: Or, he could kill you and sell your organs.

    Personally, I fucking love aquariums.

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