this is assuming that there isn’t enough matter in the universe to cause expansion to stop and then contraction and another big crunch and big bang, which all evidence points too right now (the not enough matter theory), makes wishing to live forever not so great 😉
Interesting, but much of it is very theoretical. Since a lot of this is based on data that is impossible to observe, it’s mostly mathematical extrapolation without a well defined set of apriori.
Or, to put it a different way, once people thought the earth was the center of the universe, and was flat too boot.
Vrik (#7849)
16 years ago
This chart made me cry. I don’t want it to end!
ieattime20 (#4648)
16 years ago
@...Sabersmith: Fair enough. But I wouldn’t get your hopes up or anything. A better theory is as likely to have a worse, sooner ending as it is to ‘solve’ the problem.
That, and I feel like you can be more confident on this conclusion, based off of research and extrapolation, than flat-center-earth theories, based on no systematic method and generally regarded as untrue for thousands of years and hundreds of years respectively.
But God wants us to kill teh gayz!!
And these towns shall be called the shining towns.
Sadly, it is missing the yourmom epoch.
@...clawoo: No, that’s covered in the Hardon Epoch near the bottom.
So, you mean, we’re all going to, um, die?
I don’t know for certain, but this Degenerate Era sounds like it could be pretty awesome.
Well that puts things in perspective, doesn’t it. Can we all stop fighting now? Life is too short.
this is assuming that there isn’t enough matter in the universe to cause expansion to stop and then contraction and another big crunch and big bang, which all evidence points too right now (the not enough matter theory), makes wishing to live forever not so great 😉
my favorite time is when the electrons congeal to the nuclei. The universe became transparent then.
We are stardust.
It’s kinda scary how dark and empty the universe could end up.
There is a short story from Asimov called The Last Question that deals with the end of the universe. Interesting read:
Interesting, but much of it is very theoretical. Since a lot of this is based on data that is impossible to observe, it’s mostly mathematical extrapolation without a well defined set of apriori.
Or, to put it a different way, once people thought the earth was the center of the universe, and was flat too boot.
This chart made me cry. I don’t want it to end!
@...Sabersmith: Fair enough. But I wouldn’t get your hopes up or anything. A better theory is as likely to have a worse, sooner ending as it is to ‘solve’ the problem.
That, and I feel like you can be more confident on this conclusion, based off of research and extrapolation, than flat-center-earth theories, based on no systematic method and generally regarded as untrue for thousands of years and hundreds of years respectively.
That outa put some scale on it.
@...clawoo: That is awesome.
As is this chart.
@...dissension: Does that include the existence of dark matter?
jeebus save our souls… or Superman! Either way, all powerful fictional character, SAVE US!!!
Interesting, kinda reminds me of Isaac Asimov’s short story, “The Last Question”.. man that shit really blew my mind 😀
@nyokki: yes, the universe is actually accelerating outwards.
@...dissension: ¶Really? An increasingly accelerated expansion? I hadn’t heard that.¶
Well that’s fucking depressing.