This toy blaster makes and launches softball-sized snowballs up to 50\’, allowing rapid, long-range assaults during neighborhood snowball confrontations. Simply place snow in the forming chamber and… Learn More
Do Want! But I may need some snow first. Wham O makes great stuff.
Damn, sometimes I really hate living in Houston, Air Conditioning capital of the world.
eh you don’t need snow…you can load it up with asbestos fiber and have yourself a cancerific time.
lol at first i thought it made 50 foot snowballs and umm only giants could use it….
Calvin would have loved this… rapid fire from a moving toboggan
I will take on anyone armed with one of these in a snowball fight. Heck, I’ll leet you have 2 of thm. You won’t stand a chance, even inside 50 feet.
I have to have one of these! Just like I have to have one of those snow skate things.
Broken. I clicked it but didn’t learn more.
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asbestos yum yum
Sweet! This would be excellent for those last minute drive by snowballing jobs…
I love Think Geek, Hammacher Schlemmer too.
50′??? Can’t most of us throw at least twice that far?
Do Want! But I may need some snow first. Wham O makes great stuff.
Damn, sometimes I really hate living in Houston, Air Conditioning capital of the world.
eh you don’t need snow…you can load it up with asbestos fiber and have yourself a cancerific time.
lol at first i thought it made 50 foot snowballs and umm only giants could use it….
Calvin would have loved this… rapid fire from a moving toboggan
I will take on anyone armed with one of these in a snowball fight. Heck, I’ll leet you have 2 of thm. You won’t stand a chance, even inside 50 feet.
I have to have one of these! Just like I have to have one of those snow skate things.
Broken. I clicked it but didn’t learn more.
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asbestos yum yum
Sweet! This would be excellent for those last minute drive by snowballing jobs…
I love Think Geek, Hammacher Schlemmer too.
50′??? Can’t most of us throw at least twice that far?