run current through a series with a light kit on the other, or there are even “sniffers” that’s the best method connect the tone generator to a lead and sniff for the other end. (follow the noise when it’s super loud and constant you’ve found it)
No they’re solid copper. You don’t get a tube until you can crank up the frequency for a skin effect, then a waveguide-like tube….. I want teh internets in ONE TUBE!!!
@...FullofStars: OH, come on. The vast majority of current flow is in the periphery of the cable, not the center… That’s your tube right thar… There’s just no pleasing anyone these days…
its a series of small rubber tubes with copper (and possibly other metals) going through them.
also, to hook up:
1) cut end of wires that you want to wire this mass of wires to.
2) put 2 ends together.
3) twist until everything works.
I’m going with $880 dollars a foot
Perhaps on the upside of $350 not quite my original estimate I know it’s expensive though.
pshh old cables …
screw wiring that up
the main cable for the Gay and Lesbian Telephone Network (GLTN), a division of AT&T
It’s better than the alternative of running all the necessary cables than wiring it up.
is dat some internets?
Cut the red one!
Diameter of this bundle?
BEHOLD! it brings teh internet!
No, silly that’s not teh internets. It’s not a big truck. It’s a series of tubes.
@...FullofStars: dammit you beat me to it
@...FullofStars: @...killerabbit37:
In case you hadn’t noticed, that is, in fact, a series of tubes.
Define “tubes”
run current through a series with a light kit on the other, or there are even “sniffers” that’s the best method connect the tone generator to a lead and sniff for the other end. (follow the noise when it’s super loud and constant you’ve found it)
Indeed. Tubes. Lot of them. Tubes made of copper, but still tubes nonetheless…
No they’re solid copper. You don’t get a tube until you can crank up the frequency for a skin effect, then a waveguide-like tube….. I want teh internets in ONE TUBE!!!
@...FullofStars: OH, come on. The vast majority of current flow is in the periphery of the cable, not the center… That’s your tube right thar… There’s just no pleasing anyone these days…
its a series of small rubber tubes with copper (and possibly other metals) going through them.
also, to hook up:
1) cut end of wires that you want to wire this mass of wires to.
2) put 2 ends together.
3) twist until everything works.
More efficient to put on end near your ear, the other near your mouth, listen to the data coming through and shout it down the wire.
Because that is how wires work.