You shot me fuckhead! You fucken shot me! You fuck!
“Kali ma! Kali ma!”
Had to be done.
@...nyokki: “ripped my heart out”
Finish him!
To back up JWebster on this.. as it was the first thing that came to mind
@...ninjoe: @...colonel-yum-yum: LOL’d
Just in time for Valentine’s Day. “I said you could have my heart, but I didn’t mean it literally!”
Should have kept up on the payments.
Calvin would have done this, and it is win.
I’ve decided I’m going to read Calvin and Hobbes books to all of my friends future kids as well as my brother’s future kids. I’ll let you all know the hilarity that it causes when it happens.
@...JWebster: “Kali Ma Shakti de”!!
Or, my personal favorite:
Goodbye cruel world…
You shot me fuckhead! You fucken shot me! You fuck!
“Kali ma! Kali ma!”
Had to be done.
@...nyokki: “ripped my heart out”
Finish him!
To back up JWebster on this.. as it was the first thing that came to mind
Just in time for Valentine’s Day. “I said you could have my heart, but I didn’t mean it literally!”
Should have kept up on the payments.
Calvin would have done this, and it is win.
I’ve decided I’m going to read Calvin and Hobbes books to all of my friends future kids as well as my brother’s future kids. I’ll let you all know the hilarity that it causes when it happens.
“Kali Ma Shakti de”!!
Or, my personal favorite:
Goodbye cruel world…