@...dieAntagonista: All the comic parodies on that site are great. That guy rocks. 😉 “We’re looking for the one called Jean Grey” “You’re too late, she’s dead. Try back next week.”
(if that made no sense i meant they don’t bring back the peopLe, just the hero aLter-ego.Such as Janet is dead so Pym’s becoming the Wasp. Something eLse he can screw up.)
idk but in the first pic it looks like she has two sets of tits.
^or just really freaky ribs.
3rd pic: Nice ass.
yeah…so now Pym’s going to become the Wasp in tribute.
There’s a surprise penis in the third picture.
It’s Marvel. No one stays dead.
@...SumoSnipe: http://www.floatinghandsstudios.com/xmen1.html
@...Tyger42: Haha aw that was adorable. It’s true. “Reeeally now.”
@...dieAntagonista: All the comic parodies on that site are great. That guy rocks. 😉 “We’re looking for the one called Jean Grey” “You’re too late, she’s dead. Try back next week.”
Hmmm… Very impressive glutes… 😀
@...Tyger42: ROFLMAO… WIN! I especially loved Wolverines Faux Canadian accent…
@...Tyger42: DUDE! thanks!
@SumoSnipe: i think BiLL Foster’s pretty dead… And Steve Rogers… Guess it’s just how they keep bring back the hero characters…Oh and Bucky. YEAH
(if that made no sense i meant they don’t bring back the peopLe, just the hero aLter-ego.Such as Janet is dead so Pym’s becoming the Wasp. Something eLse he can screw up.)