This is a 9 patty Cheese burger my best friend downed at our local WHATABURGER here by UCF.
9 Meat Patties
9 Slices of cheese
2 Pieces of bread
All that and he couldn\’t take a shit for about a week or so.
He also finished all his fries and 2 drinks.
Hot damn
Makes me sick just looking a it… but at the same time, I want one >.>
I would have straight raw luettice and carrots for breakfast and lunch if i knew i could have that for dinner. i fucking want one right now, it looks SO GOOD! OMFGYUS!
fine ill say it
That is one ugly burger.
Whataburger is so damn good. Seriously, it’s as good as everyone tries to tell me In-n-Out is.
But looking at that hamburger makes me feel vaguely ill.
@...erock11: That place is in Phoenix? Damn, I have to try to get over there for lunch some day.
It’s a thing of beauty… A deadly thing of beauty…
I’m from the North so I’ve not had the um, unique opportunity to venture into a Whataburger. I was once told that Whataburger is disgusting.
@...Jesus Christ: Jesus those burgers are delicious, you’ve not lived until you’ve had one.
This thing looks disgusting but I bet it’s tasty as all hell. Looks about 9 to 10 meals.
MMMMM this makes me miss Texas!
That’s me!!!! i ate that! and it was delicious and painful. i havnt been to whataburger since then because im still digesting that one from a couple months ago.
Oh Whataburger is so over rated. I’ve had the misfortune of eating more than one in my life. Never had an in and out burger, but given that White Castles are better, In and Out HAS To be.
Or Red Robin… gawd I love Red Robin…
*edit it does not look good. but i am imagining how it tastes.
**edit edit epic
but kopps from milwaukee. MMMMMMMMOMG
@...aarpie: imo red robin is “gourmet burger” crap. all WhatABurgers outside of Texas are imposters!
@... DisplacedTexan: Whataburger4lyfe! We’re being invaded by Carl Jr.’s which tastes like BurgerKing with pubes.
Also Whataburger has this killer BBQ-A1-Patty Melt on toast burger that’ll get you a hard on.
one for lunch, another for dessert.
If in Wichita ks go to Bionic Burger to get the triple 6 million dollar burger. Almost the same thing (nine meat patties, three slices of cheese, gilled onions, and a bun) you taste beef for about a day.
@...TrikYodz: Culvers = fucking amazing. They’re building on about five miles from my house, and it’s taking too long- I want that place to be open now, today, so I can go have lunch there. Dammit.
People talk about In-n-Out as if it’s this amazing, fantastic thing, when it’s really just an okay fast food burger that you have to wait too long to get. And their fries are terrible.
@...aarpie: I have a challenge for you: comment ONCE with meaning, and without the words “over rated.”
Sounds like you guys have wild times…
There’s a What-a-burger about a mile from where I do military load-outs in Houston, we eat lunch there or James Coney every other day. Bad but so good!
Wait, wait UCF? Now I’m scared. I live near that place.
I like burgers…but this looks scary
Damn, I have nothing so interesting by me. It’s pretty much McD’s, Burger King and Wendy’s. I can eat a Wendy’s burger if I have to, but not crazy about ’em. I just make my own burgers. My only take-out food is pizza and Philly cheese steak subs and now and then, some real American Chinese food.
Carl’s Jr.
’nuff said.
oh, and i’m from texas.
oh, and carl’s is way better than in n out. been to both, initial response: in n out: “meh.” carl’s: “GIMmeh MORE”
Is eating that really something to be proud of?
Goals…get some.
@...rattybad: Wat? you don’t think consuming something like this would be a noteworthy goal? Pfft… Spoilsport…
drowning in your own obesity epedemic, sad, sad Americans… I wants that burger!