Fucking awesome!
But I still think thats a little harsh. Does voting for an idiot really warrant the possible destruction of everything you once held dear?
Florida wasn’t smited (smoten, smitten?) by God because they voted for Bush. It was leveled because no one could figure out how to vote correctly. I think if an entire state can’t use its own voting system, its federal voting rights should be taken away for at least one election.
++ add random fact that created a nuisance due to human behaviour and decision making.
++ add random disconnected fact that created a nuisance but which cannot be proven to be precipitated by humans (global warming bah! humbug!)
++ introduce god
++ stir well and simmer
probably because bush promised to fix stuff… although i wouldn’t know, i was in second grade during that election
I remember i voted for bush in our mock election, because he looked nicer:)
I remember I was in fifth grade during this election. I voted for Gore in the little mock-election the school held, because I felt like he looked like he’d try harder.
12 years ago
What? I see no correlation whatsoever between the black lines and the colours of the districts.
Fucking awesome!
But I still think thats a little harsh. Does voting for an idiot really warrant the possible destruction of everything you once held dear?
yes, yes it does.
this is one of the best things ive seen in a long time.
Sure, if you believe that 9/11 happened because NYC is too liberal and tolerates homosexuality.
Only things is, these folks here are joking.
So your house blows up after a tornado. The gov’ment comes and gives you lots of money and help. You vote for that gov’ment again. Makes sense no?
Wow – awesome
Hell exists in Florida.
If God doesn’t exist, how can he wreak destruction on inhabitants of the east coast because of their voting practices?
Hate to rain on the parade, but http://www.snopes.com/politics/bush/hurricane.asp
Ah, snopes. Spoiling fun with pesky facts.
Florida wasn’t smited (smoten, smitten?) by God because they voted for Bush. It was leveled because no one could figure out how to vote correctly. I think if an entire state can’t use its own voting system, its federal voting rights should be taken away for at least one election.
I thought democrats don’t believe in god
@...thequietguy: They do, he’s called Obama–and they want to bear his immaculate babies.
–and his maculate ones as well.
He’s not god. God is supposed to be an old white guy who is all wrathful. Nothing like Obama.
@...Annarchy: Take away Obama’s Blackberry and see how long till you get shanked. buwhaha, i joke
@...vygramul: I didn’t know that this was on Snopes (or that it was a bit inaccurate.)
Thanks for the link.
@...kondspi: Pics like this are almost always fake or altered. We just hope it’s funny. ;<)
Yeah, Charley almost went right over my house. Fun times with no electricity for five days. Florida with no A/C is not fun.
And I still haven’t bought a generator. I’d probably forget to fuel the thing anyways.
Rofl… Amazing…
Another brilliant example of a circular argument:
++ add random fact that created a nuisance due to human behaviour and decision making.
++ add random disconnected fact that created a nuisance but which cannot be proven to be precipitated by humans (global warming bah! humbug!)
++ introduce god
++ stir well and simmer
probably because bush promised to fix stuff… although i wouldn’t know, i was in second grade during that election
I remember i voted for bush in our mock election, because he looked nicer:)
I think the Secret Service took away his shank. But, take away his Blackberry and expect a drive-by on your house real quick.
@...Adrian: You mean this isn’t proof that there’s a God?!? D00d.. You’re destroying the very foundations of my existential paradigm… 0_o
Okay, there is no God. Florida is simply cursed because of high number of retarded rednecks that live there.
If I were God, and I existed, I would have just carved ‘FUCK NO’ kilometre deep right across Texas.
@...LukeV1-5: And this is why you are no God… 😛
I remember I was in fifth grade during this election. I voted for Gore in the little mock-election the school held, because I felt like he looked like he’d try harder.
What? I see no correlation whatsoever between the black lines and the colours of the districts.
Statistics FAIL.