Bruce Bump Knives

BumbB_TheMarshallBowie_BestFixedBla.jpg (267 KB)

Bump_Tortuga_8x10.jpg (369 KB)

Bump_VegasSpecial_8x10.jpg (393 KB)

Here are some more knives that Bruce Bump made.

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    I’ll take the top one for my birthday,ok?Thank you!


    looks okay.


    SumoSnipe: Absolutely, the top one is wonderful. Looks like you could use it too, which is even better, I’m not a fan of ornaments that do nothing but look pretty.


    a couple of these look like damascus steel, which is something ive always wanted – folding steel to made designs is pretty awesome. plus, that (elk antler?) handle… #1 has my vote!

    Luke Magnifico

    JamesTuskGeorge: The etching on the side would make it a bitch to sharpen. And they’re probably sold blunt.


    that’s not etching, that’s damascus steel.. the only blade that isn’t damascus is the second one


    kratsina: ha! i knew it!

    everyone else: anyone ever used damascus steel? it looks amazing, but is it actually better than other steels? i would imagine folding it would change the properties a bit. i wouldnt want to waste my money on something that isnt better.



    Not knowing anything about damascus steel other than it’s a folded steel, wouldn’t you be able to look at a katana and see the advantages?


    i dont know anything about katanas. are you implying that they are folded steel as well?


    give me some time for my blacksmith to get home and I can answer that 😀


    the steel for katanas is folded to help evenly distribute the carbon. it is then partially hardened to give it an edge able to be sharpened, and a spine that will flex. damascus can be one or multiple types of metals folded together. true damascus is made from wootz steel and can have many patterns in it. modern damascus tends to be mixtures of metals with steel that are placed in acid. the differing metals are eaten away at different rates leaving the etching. damascus made from one type of metal won’t have the pitting, but can still have many patterns in it. it can be extremely sharp, even sharper than katanas.


    Man, i love the Vegas Special…

    compasseagle89: No, Damascus is not any better than any modern day monosteel. Traditionally folded steels, if forged correctly, can allow an experienced sword maker to fine tune specific qualities into a sword, however many of them can be replicated using modern steel, but with anything less than a foot or two, there is rarely any appreciable benefit of doing so, beyond enhancing it’s aesthetics.


    kratsina & Phyreblade: i appreciate it folks!


    Phyreblade: kratsina: compasseagle89:

    Wow. People on the internet, much less this site, working together to inform one another. Thanks, guys.



    who would spend that on a knife???

    oh wait…i would, do’h


    1500…..blade or a new motorbike? Ah fuck it I need the exercise.



    Both damascus steel and katanas used folding to enhance blade STRENGTH, not SHARPNESS. Blade strength can be marred by poor quality steel. Damascus acts like a kind of metal “plywood” that is stronger than the sum of it’s requisite metals. Is it better than monosteel? depends on the steel. Sharpness is determined by the hardness of the metal involved (softer blades can be sharpened sharper than harder blades, although they will hold an edge worse).


    Just one additional comment, sharpness has not so much to do with the hardness of a steel, and more to do with edge geometry. The finer the edge, the sharper it can be.

    You can sharpen most steels to the same level of sharpness, the only real difference is that the harder steels will take longer to get there, but will hold the the edge better/longer than the softer steels.

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