@...Avias: The fact that someone would refer to Darth Vader as emo is just one more reason in an ever-growing pile of evidence that Georgie boy should have had the writing pen taken away a long time ago. For further evidence, please refer to The Crystal Skull, Jar-Jar Binks, and midichlorians.
I’m gonna call it: re-post. But I love this pic. Vader used to be my favorite villain. Until the prequels that is.
AbaddonTheDespoiler (#3089)
16 years ago
stoopid prequels and Jar-Jars crimes against humanity aside, Lucas still rules. Vader Emo? He would slice your head of with a lightsaber for even thinking such thoughts!
@...AbaddonTheDespoiler: OK, let’s put it this way. Anakin the kid was a tough little nut. Anakin the Padawan was a horrible emo. Vader, on the other hand, was not. I ‘spose his emo juice ran out when he thought he’d killed Padme…
Yeah, my dick is bigger than yours.
He’s remembering when he was a child pilot and said, “We should do a barrel roll. That’s a good trick!”
The embarrassment. It is palpable.
I don’t think that’s his down look… He looks that way all the time…
@...Phyreblade: looks what? emo? o_o
@...Avias: The fact that someone would refer to Darth Vader as emo is just one more reason in an ever-growing pile of evidence that Georgie boy should have had the writing pen taken away a long time ago. For further evidence, please refer to The Crystal Skull, Jar-Jar Binks, and midichlorians.
I’m gonna call it: re-post. But I love this pic. Vader used to be my favorite villain. Until the prequels that is.
stoopid prequels and Jar-Jars crimes against humanity aside, Lucas still rules. Vader Emo? He would slice your head of with a lightsaber for even thinking such thoughts!
@...Avias: No. Constipated.
@...AbaddonTheDespoiler: OK, let’s put it this way. Anakin the kid was a tough little nut. Anakin the Padawan was a horrible emo. Vader, on the other hand, was not. I ‘spose his emo juice ran out when he thought he’d killed Padme…