It was originally created to get revenge on the idiots who were trying to force creationism into the science curriculum. It was originally just an open letter stating that if they teach creationism as science in the name of fairness, they should also teach the equally valid “theory” of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. was the content of the original web site.
Tomato Sauce.
Why would the site’s name be venganza (vengeance/revenge in spanish) ?
It was originally created to get revenge on the idiots who were trying to force creationism into the science curriculum. It was originally just an open letter stating that if they teach creationism as science in the name of fairness, they should also teach the equally valid “theory” of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. was the content of the original web site.
Dat’s sum spicy meataballsa.
I love the Church of the FSM…
Here’s to making fun of fundamentalists!