Haha yeah it’s spelled right. Well this name they use, is actually how they call the act of suicide for Samurai in Japanese. If you google ‘harakiri drink’ you’ll get the right results. Apparently it’s very extreme, they say they mix it with tabasco sauce. The one I drink is very sweet though, maybe there are different ones out there.
16 years ago
@...KommissarKvC: Newsflash, every picture on this site is ‘stolen’. It sure did take you a long time to realise that, didn’t it.
Tequila is a hellva booze >.>
I love tequila. It’s like drinking fire.
Alcohol cures ugly. It doesn’t cure fat.
I like tequila. But harakiri is much better. Very sweet.
And yeah I never understood this. I have been drunk many times, and people never looked more beautiful.
I call shenanigans. This is just a big conspiracy. People use it as a excuse.
@...dieAntagonista: No, it does not make whomever you are looking at prettier, it just lets you give in to the ” ah, fuck it, cannonball!” urge.
@...dieAntagonista: I’ll have to try some harakiri then. Never had it.
“in arnold voice”GO! RUN! GET TO THE CHATROOM!
Alcohol makes me feel cuter… but it makes everyone else look even worse. Go figure.
I’d do both of them. Whammy!
@...dieAntagonista: What is “harakiri”? Did you spell that right? All I can find is it “most often refers to a form of seppuku.” – Wikipedia
This is what alcoholics actually believe…
this was stolen from funnyjunk.com
Haha yeah it’s spelled right. Well this name they use, is actually how they call the act of suicide for Samurai in Japanese. If you google ‘harakiri drink’ you’ll get the right results. Apparently it’s very extreme, they say they mix it with tabasco sauce. The one I drink is very sweet though, maybe there are different ones out there.
@...KommissarKvC: Newsflash, every picture on this site is ‘stolen’. It sure did take you a long time to realise that, didn’t it.
I think the fat girl looks better. Oh well, more for me.
@...dieAntagonista: Thanks for clearing that up…if they ever make a drink called seppuku I’ll drink that.
Drank tequila last night, but didn’t find any fat chicks, so all the skinny chicks just looked 14.
“I’m tryin’ to drink her skinny, but she’s still about 215, sometimes you just gotta buck up, and take on for the team.” –Toby Keith
Fat chicks give better head b/c they’re hungry
I have only been so drunk that I did not completely remember what I was doing. And I could not have even got it up.
A 2 at 10 is a 10 at 2