rebel flag

rebel flag

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    Fuck yeah, civil war two! Bring it on.


    So on the front page this was sitting right next to an Obama ad…


    Correction: That is the Second Confederate Naval Jack.


    Yeah the Union kicked your raggedy Confederate asses. Then the Confederates fucked up the country for the next 100 yrs during reconstruction. Be proud.


    Stars and bars not hate haritege


    Dukes of Hazzard never meanin’ no harm


    Heritage, not hate.


    One of my friends has this. I say he should put it on a pole in the bed of his pickup truck and drive around Lawrence, Kansas.

    For those of you who are either not American or are a bit sketchy with history, Lawrence was burned to the ground during the Civil War by Confederate Bushwhackers.

    Just This Guy, You Know?

    Puulaahi: Lol wut? The Union was in charge of Reconstruction, not the former Confederacy. Are you perhaps referring to the Jim Crow era? Although neither of those really “fucked up the country for the next 100 years.” All either fucked up was the south. And Reconstruction wouldn’t have even been that bad it dumb shit John Wilkes Boothe hadn’t shot Lincoln.

    “Semper fidelis tyrannosaurus!”


    And for those who don’t know what Confederate Bushwackers were. They were posses of men that went around murdering, stealing, burning and using guarilla warfare against Union supporters(men,women and children) in Confederate or states that were still deciding. The most famous being “Bloody Bill” Anderson and Jesse james.

    Just This Guy, You Know?

    Sticky: Hell, Lawrence was a battleground before the War even started. It was an anti-slavery stronghold during the Bleeding Kansas era. Pro-slavery Border Ruffians had already attacked the place in 1856, although they only burned down one building. They did loot a few businesses and destroyed two abolitionist newspapers though.

    Just This Guy, You Know?

    Puulaahi: Kind of like the Jayhawkers did for the Union, right?


    Puulaahi: Record Store Tough Guy: Really, Union or Confederate, southern or northern or western, it’s politicians that have fucked up this country.


    Record Store Tough Guy: Yes I am referring to the Jim Crow Era of Reconstruction and Confederate politicians took office during this period and instituted such laws. Wasn’t simply the assassination of Lincoin that’s just too simple.


    Record Store Tough Guy: Yeah kinda. But the Souths Bushwackers got all the fame.


    I think necrophiliacs are cool.

    Just This Guy, You Know?

    Puulaahi: True, nothing ever is. But Lincoln favored a more lenient repatriation of the South, in order to allow the country to heal and move on from the hell it had gone through for the past four years. He likely would have kept it (or attempted to keep it) from being as harsh as it was, which (it could be argued) is what eventually did lead to Jim Crow. But, seeing as the south was never really on the cutting edge of race relations, Jim Crow might have happened anyway

    Most southern politicians in the first three quarters of the 20th century did a lot of stupid things in response to what they saw as northern oppression. Or at least, that’s the justification they gave, since simple-minded racism doesn’t really play well in the press.


    And from left field…. :p



    I know I know. But I’m all out of bubble gum.


    Record Store Tough Guy: What if Napoleon hadn’t invaded Russia? What if George Washington hasn’t crossed the Delaware? Playing what if is fun but proves nothing. I am glad we agree.

    Just This Guy, You Know?

    Puulaahi: Srsly. The “what-ifs” are the most fun part of history.


    TrAyVon'S GhOSt, nuCca

    long live the conferacAYAYAYYAY

    I thought Dukes of Hazard when I saw this too.

    Just This Guy, You Know?

    mAgnUS BUTTfoorson: Did you see the PVP strip where Brent and Cole get wishes from a Genie, and the last panel is them jumping a gully in the General Lee?


    Just for the record that is not a “rebel flag” it is a Confederate Naval Jack, a special flag flown only during combat with Union ships. The naval jack was designed to make it look less like a Union flag and thus mark friend and foe better.


    [I think necrophiliacs are cool.]

    Hey, the corpse bride was still moving so shes not officially dead



    Pseudo zombies don’t count.


    Massively retarded to see 100% Australians displaying this proudly on their ute. I’m not sure what they think it’s from, but it not only portrays them in a bad light, but also makes them look foolish.
    In other news, the American Civil War rocked. America vs. America? Hell yeah.


    Healey: Yeah America won. America Fuck Yeah!




    Just as FYI, it’s not only Aussies.

    You will see this banner waved at many
    European football games, including World Cup.

    Who knew? Deo Vindice!


    Very enlightening, all this history stuff. Moot points, since perception of that flag = rascist white trash alert.


    I hate seeing these flags flying everywhere, Especially since I live in Grand Rapids, MI. This is basically a symbol of racism. Plus I’m not a big fan of the people who are proud to have these flags.


    The south is still fucking things up. How do you think Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II got elected? Where do you think the anti-gay lobby is strongest?

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