Yeah, but it would put spin on the blade for more damage. And if it opened in a straight line it’d need a locking mechanism to prevent the blade retracting on impact.
Badass, but would be more badass if the swords started out expanded and were visible in the magazine. (Less practical, but it’s a gun that shoots goddam swords…)
“It’s a gun, Frank.” Well, no shit, Einstein. “A gun that shoot swords.” And then apparently the guy’s stupid-ass smirk drives the Punisher into such a rage that he has no choice but to murder the moron. When really he should be hunting down the idiot scriptwriter who thought this was such a fucking brilliant idea.
@...tiki god: I see them there, it’s just that the Punisher seems to have no concern about the well being of the man standing between him and the doorway.
I will build such a gun. I already have plans for the knife/sword.
deadmanliving (#17983)
15 years ago
my only question is….why is the Punisher hanging out with Andy Dick?
12 years ago
If memory serves, he needed to fight the ninjas on panel 3, but only swords worked against ninjas because they’d just dodge the bullets. So he needed that gun to kill them.
I believe these are daggers, dirks, or knives. They certainly do not meet the length requirements of a sword.
WELL YOU don’t meet the length requirement of…
yea. you see where i’m going with this.
actually if they oppened that way, their trajectory would be altered, you know, angular momentum and such. they should open in a straight line.
Yeah, but it would put spin on the blade for more damage. And if it opened in a straight line it’d need a locking mechanism to prevent the blade retracting on impact.
Have the swords open up like butterfly knives. Angular momentum is conserved and there’s no need for retraction.
OR, you could have it-
So, if the pen is mightier than a sword… Is it also mightier than a gun that shoots swords?
And it does make that awesome Fwocka fwocka sound
what about a gun that shoots pens?
you could call him the Penisher
heh heh. Penis-her
Badass, but would be more badass if the swords started out expanded and were visible in the magazine. (Less practical, but it’s a gun that shoots goddam swords…)
Why does a sword-shooting gun make the same noise as a gay fozzy bear? FWOCKA FWOCKA FWOCKA
“It’s a gun, Frank.” Well, no shit, Einstein. “A gun that shoot swords.” And then apparently the guy’s stupid-ass smirk drives the Punisher into such a rage that he has no choice but to murder the moron. When really he should be hunting down the idiot scriptwriter who thought this was such a fucking brilliant idea.
Wrong. Look at the 2nd to last panel. There are shadowy doods in the background.
Wiat, Punishers new gadget guy is Hannover Fist? Cap’n Stern may not be too pleased by this.
I’m aware that ninjas are sneaky, but are you so blind that you can’t see them there in the doorway?
@...tiki god: I see them there, it’s just that the Punisher seems to have no concern about the well being of the man standing between him and the doorway.
if you can see them, then they aren’t ninjas
ROFLMAO… My kind of inspiration indeed… 😀
This pic/thread is full of AWESOMENESS and WIN. SAVED.
@...natedog: Well said. They are clearly just cannon fodder dressed in black balaclavas.
Also. I need napkin. I think I just messed up my monitor and ruined my keyboard.
I will build such a gun. I already have plans for the knife/sword.
my only question is….why is the Punisher hanging out with Andy Dick?
If memory serves, he needed to fight the ninjas on panel 3, but only swords worked against ninjas because they’d just dodge the bullets. So he needed that gun to kill them.